LightSwitch Visual Studio 2022、Visual Studio 2019 或 Visual Studio 2017 不再支援 LightSwitch。 在 Visual Studio 2013 或 Visual Studio 2015 中,如果開啟使用 Visual Studio 2012 和更早版本所建立的專案,系統會將該專案升級,並僅可在 Visual Studio 2013 或 Visual Studio 2015 之後的版本中開啟。 負載測試...
浏览有关在当前和早期版本的 Visual Studio 中创建的项目的参考信息,并查找有关项目移植、迁移和升级的信息。
你好,Visual Studio 2022 社区提供核心 SQL Server Data Tools 功能。鉴于你处于离线环境中,我建议你使用专业版或企业版。对于SSDT,它已集成到 Visual Studio 2022 中。你可以在 Visual Studio 安装程序中选择“更改”将其作为单个组件安装。对于Integration Services (SSIS) 和 Reporting Services (SSRS) 项目,需要从...
Release notes for the latest features and improvements in Visual Studio 2017 v15.9. Plan better, code together and ship faster with Visual Studio.
Is SSDT ready for VS 2022 – 17.5? We use VS mostly for SSIS package design and implementation.Jeffery Seiffert March 28, 2023 0 Collapse this comment Copy link I’ve just updated to 17.5.3. The Find All in Current Project and Entire Solution seems to be broken. First, a simple sea...
Work for the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) extension in Visual Studio 2022 is on the roadmap for a future release. For more information about the progress, you can check the Visual StudioDeveloper Community. Please let us know in the comments of other important exten...
I have an SSIS package created in Visual Studios 2017. It pulled data from SQL server 2016 and pushed it to Oracle. And it was password...
您可以使用 WiX Toolset Visual Studio 2022 擴充功能來建立 MSI 型安裝程式套件。 這是命令行工具組。 您可以使用安裝程式專案 (vdproj) 來建立 MSI 或 EXE 安裝程式套件。 若要使用此選項,請參閱 Visual Studio Installer Projects Extension 和 .NET 6.0,或直接移至 Visual Studio Installer Projects 延伸模組。
jdk-8u161-linux-x64.tar.gz 链接: ...
Dear Sir or Madam, I am building an environment to run a Python 3.6 code, but my visual studio is in 2022. So I want to install Visual Studio 2017. Chatgpt told me after the uninstall tool I needed to delete the files named Visual Studio manually, I did… ...