Unable to open Database project This version of SQL Server Data Toolsisnot compatible with the database runtime components installed onthiscomputer. 老外说因为安装了Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1导致,而我并没有安装它且两个月前创建项目是成功的,最近唯一的变化就是安装了Visual Studio 2013 Preview、Vis...
Visual Studio 2010 Introduction Establish and support a Database Development Life Cycle (DDLC) Integrate the DDLC into the rest of the Application Lifecycle So which project type should I use? Comparison of Features Project Artifacts and Capabilities ...
Visual Studio 2010 有一个数据库项目模板:Visual Studio Database Project(以下简称VSDP),VS 2003/2005/2008也有类似的项目,在VS2010上的得到了很大的加强,现在还具备了智能感知,构建时验证和自动部署功能,VSDP是针对典型的数据库开发任务而设计的,可以对原有数据库反向工程,添加表,存储过程和其他数据库项目,而且...
Microsoft Visual Studio2017 SQL Server 方法/步骤 1 点击上方【工具】--选择【连接到数据库】2 进入画面后选择【Microsoft Sql Server】--点击【确定】3 点击【服务器】下拉按钮等待加载 4 如果加载不出来,那就自己输入对应服务器名称 5 【身份验证】选择【SQL Server身份验证】6 输入账号密码 7 点击【测试连接...
Visual Studio 2015 方法/步骤 1 点击文件菜单下面的新建,然后选择项目选项,如下图所示 2 接下来在新建项目界面中,选择SQL Server选项,然后选择SQL Server数据库项目,如下图所示 3 建好的数据库项目如下图所示,没有任何的文件,需要手工的进行导入 4 接下来右键单击选择数据项目名,然后选择导入下面的数据库...
Visual Studio 开发工具和服务让任何开发人员在任何平台和语言的应用开发都更加轻松。 随时随地免费使用代码编辑器或 IDE 进行开发。
Create Database Project on Visual Studio 2013 To create a new SQL server database project, open “New Project” dialog and from there, select SQL Server from the default template. In the right side pane, select SQL server database project and provide the project name. I have given the pro...
Visual Studio Database Edition features are now in Visual Studio 2010 Premium. The Database Project is also available in Visual Studio 2010 Professional, but with limited features. Database Projects are provided in PRO to introduce developers to offline database development and to allow the ...
In SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), you can convert existing SQL Server Database, CLR and Data-Tier Application projects created in Visual Studio 2010 to the new SQL Server database project. By doing so, you can take advantage of the new database development experience that SSDT provides, ...
TheNew Projectdialog box appears. UnderInstalled, expand theTemplatesnode, expand theOther Languagesnode, select theSQL Servercategory, and then select theSQL Server Database Projecttemplate. 備註 TheOther Languagesnode doesn’t appear in all installations of Visual Stud...