All shortcuts in this section apply globally unless otherwise specified. The Global context means that the shortcut is applicable in any tool window in Visual Studio. Tip You can look up the shortcut for any command by opening the Options dialog box, expanding the Environment node, and then ...
Ctrl+M+A Collapse all Ctrl+M+X Uncollapse all Ctrl+m, ctrl+T Collapse Html tag Edit Code Ctrl+L Delete current line or selection of lines to and add to clipboard Ctrl+Shift+L Delete current line or selection of lines Ctrl+Delete Delete word to right of cursor Ctrl+Backspace Delete wo...
All shortcuts in this section apply globally unless otherwise specified. The Global context means that the shortcut is applicable in any tool window in Visual Studio. Tip You can look up the shortcut for any command by opening the Options dialog box, expanding the Environment ...
Ctrl-K +Ctrl-U:Un-comment a selected block of code Ctrl-M +Ctrl-O /Ctrl-M +Ctrl-P:Collapse all code to definitions / Expand all code (stop collapsing) Ctrl-M +Ctrl+M:Expend or collapse a selected code fragment. The code collapsed depends on where the cursor is located Ctrl-B +Ctr...
In Visual Studio Professional, we have a shortcut key, Ctrl + M Ctrl + O to collapse all methods and properties in a class. 在Visual Studio Professional中,我们有一个快捷键Ctrl + M Ctrl + O来折叠类中的所有方法和属性。 How can I do a similar thing in Visual Studio Code? 如何在Visual...
Shortcuts ⋮149 Shortcuts for Visual Studio 2015Windows Jump to: Manage Visual Studio, Bookmarks, Code Editor, Coding, Build and Debug, Tool Windows, For HTML Pages, Code Snippets (Visual C# Scheme) 1. Manage Visual Studio Ctrl+S Save current file Ctrl+Shift+S Save all files Ctrl+Shift...
Ctrl+Shift+- (Linux) Fold (collapse) all regions Ctrl+K Ctrl+0 Unfold (uncollapse) all regions Ctrl+K Ctrl+J Scroll page up/down Alt+PgUp / PgDn Toggle breakpoint F9 Start/Continue F5 Stop Shift+F5 Step into/out F11 / Shift+F11...
Ctrl+K Ctrl+JUnfold (uncollapse) all regions Ctrl+K Ctrl+CAdd line comment Ctrl+K Ctrl+URemove line comment Ctrl+/Toggle line comment Shift+Alt+AToggle block comment Alt+ZToggle word wrap Navigation Visual Studio CodeKeyboard shortcuts for Windows ...
This is useful when you want to collapse all children of a tree item that isn't the root. There isn't a default keybinding for the command but you can add your own keyboard shortcut via the Keyboard Shortcut editor (⌘K ⌘S (Windows, Linux Ctrl+K Ctrl+S))....
We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it hereYou can more easily access a variety of commands and windows in Visual Studio by choosing the appropriate keyboard shortcut. This topics lists the default shortcuts for the General Development profile, which you might ...