切換工作清單快捷方式 Ctrl+K、Ctrl+H Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut 切換自動換行 Ctrl+E、Ctrl+W Edit.ToggleWordWrap 取消批注選取 Ctrl+K、Ctrl+U Edit.UncommentSelection 檢視底部 Ctrl+PgDn Edit.ViewBottom 檢視底部延伸 Ctrl+Shift+PgDn Edit.ViewBottomExtend 檢視頂端 Ctrl+PgUp Edit.ViewTop ...
In other IDE's you can comment out a line of code with "CTRL+/" shortcut. But that doesn't seem to work in VS Studio 2022. Tried to do some googling, but there is only how it is done in multiple lines. What about one line commenting? Without outlining code, I just want ...
Printable shortcut cheatsheet Popular keyboard shortcuts for Visual Studio Global shortcuts Context-specific shortcuts Applies to: Visual Studio Visual Studio for Mac注意 This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, ...
Shortcut menus Content window Print topic Options: Change display font size, number of topics in history, and which side the console view is displayed on. Silverlight 4 Support Microsoft Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010 is included in Visual Studio 2010 SP1. This adds support for targ...
VS Code shortcut collation, only for learning to use. Preview More like this Keynote Shortcut Key(Keynote快捷键) Figma Shortcut Playbook Keyboard Shortcuts in FigJam A Post 0 comments This is a Figma Community file. Community is a space for Figma users to share things they create. Get ...
This provides you with a shortcut to online documention about Accessibility Tips and Tricks. The diagnostic system informs you through the InfoBar about extensions that might have been involved in an unexpected termination of Visual Studio (Figure 4). The InfoBar provides this information about the...
Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut CTRL + K、CTRL + H 在目前行設定或移除捷徑。 Edit.ToggleWordWrap CTRL + E、CTRL + W 啟用或停用編輯器中的自動換行。 Edit.UncommentSelection CTRL + K、CTRL + U 從目前的程式碼行移除註解語法。 Edit.UntabifySelectedLines ...
[ShortCut] Visual Studio快捷键 msdn官方快捷键说明:https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/da5kh0wa.aspx 测试工具: visual studio 2013 操作步骤: 1.功能键 F1:帮助,F2:文件重命名,F3:搜索下一个,F4:属性窗口,F5:运行, F6:停止调试/生成,F7:后台代码,F9:设置断点,F10:调试步入,F11:调试步进,F12...
How can I display lineendings (CR,LF) in Visual Studio Code (not in Visual Studio)? At the moment there is only the little statusbar menu which display/change the line ending if the actual file. But sometimes it would be great to see the line endings directly in every line especially ...
Extension for Visual Studio - Shows how easy you can make the same action using only the keyboard. Displays the keyboard shortcut for any command that you execute to help you learn the shortcuts you need the most.