通常创建一个类,Visual Studio会自动为你引入System、System.Collections.Generic、System.Text,这3个命名空间,但创建完后不一定需要他们全部。而当创建WinForm、WebForm时会引入更多不需要的命名空间,把它们留着太占位置,Visual Studio早就为我们准备了这个功能,在类中右击鼠标,选择:“组织using” > “移除和排序”,...
Refactor.ReorderParameters CTRL + R, CTRL + O Displays theReorder Parameters Dialog Box, which lets you change the order of the parameters for methods, indexers, and delegates. See Also Reference Visual Studio 6.0 Default Shortcut Keys
命令鍵盤快捷方式命令標識碼 組建選取專案 Ctrl+B(Visual Studio 2019) Build.BuildSelection 建置解決方案 Ctrl+Shift+B Build.BuildSolution 取消 Ctrl+Break Build.Cancel 編譯 Ctrl+F7 Build.Compile 在方案上執行程式代碼分析 Alt+F11 Build.RunCodeAnalysisonSolution類別...
The table below lists the default key combinations available for the Visual Studio 6.0 keyboard scheme. For information on changing default combinations see Customizing Shortcut Keys.Global shortcut keys Lists common shortcut key combinations as well as key combinations that can be used in a variety...
[ShortCut] Visual Studio快捷键 msdn官方快捷键说明:https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/da5kh0wa.aspx 测试工具: visual studio 2013 操作步骤: 1.功能键 F1:帮助,F2:文件重命名,F3:搜索下一个,F4:属性窗口,F5:运行, F6:停止调试/生成,F7:后台代码,F9:设置断点,F10:调试步入,F11:调试步进,F12...
VS Code shortcut collation, only for learning to use. Preview More like this Keynote Shortcut Key(Keynote快捷键) Figma Shortcut Playbook Keyboard Shortcuts in FigJam A Post 0 comments This is a Figma Community file. Community is a space for Figma users to share things they create. Get ...
1. Manage Visual Studio Ctrl+S Save current file Ctrl+Shift+S Save all files Ctrl+Shift+N Create new project Ctrl+O Open file Ctrl+Shift+O Open project Ctrl+Shift+A Add item to project Esc Close menu or dialog Ctrl+P Print Shift+Alt+Enter Toggle full screen mode Ctrl+F4 Close current...
For doing more advanced keyboard shortcut customization, read Advanced Customization.Customize shortcuts for UI actionsYou can quickly customize the keyboard shortcut for user interface actions. Right-click on any action item in your workbench, and select Configure Keybinding. If the action has a ...
Visual C# Default Shortcut Keys Article 11/16/2012 The Keyboard options of the integrated development environment (IDE) provide several pre-defined keyboard mapping schemes. Each scheme assigns commands to keyboard shortcuts so that you can perform actions without using a mouse....
Tools.AttachtoProcess CTRL + ALT + P Displays theAttach To Processdialog box, which lets you debug multiple programs at the same time in a single solution. See Also Reference Visual Studio 6.0 Default Shortcut Keys