重新設定專案目標架構或升級 NuGet 套件之後,NuGet 可能會將 屬性新增requireReinstallation至packages.config專案的 檔案。 如果 NuGet 在複位目標或升級程式期間偵測到受影響的套件,它會針對所有受影響的套件參考,將屬性新增requireReinstallation="true"至packages.config檔案。 因此,Visual Studio 中專案的每個後續組建...
重新設定專案目標架構或升級 NuGet 套件之後,NuGet 可能會將 屬性新增requireReinstallation至packages.config專案的 檔案。 如果 NuGet 在複位目標或升級程式期間偵測到受影響的套件,它會針對所有受影響的套件參考,將屬性新增requireReinstallation="true"至packages.config檔案。 因此,Visual Studio 中專案的每個後續組建...
包更改正在开发中包作者通常需要重新安装目前正在开发的包的相同版本才能测试其更改。Visual Studio 中的 NuGet 包管理器控制台提供了许多灵活的选项,用于更新和重新安装包。 可以使用Update-Package -reinstall命令重新安装正在开发中的包。 实现选项 有多种选项可用于更新和重新安装 NuGet 包。 常见方法包括 NuGet ...
尝试重新安装时,Visual Studio Install提示无法在非空目录下安装,这个问题如何解决? If the folder can’t be recovered, you need to reinstall visual studio. Please follow the cleanup steps and retry your VS install:· See if you have this file on your machine: “%...
Visual Studio installs the package and its dependencies in the project. When installation is complete, the added packages appear on the Installed tab. You can also find packages in the Dependencies > Packages node of your project in Solution Explorer. After you install a package, you can refer...
1. 关闭 Visual Studio。 2. 删除解决方案下的.vs文件夹,这个文件夹默认是隐藏的,找不到的需要打开隐藏文件设置 3. 打开 Visual Studio 开发人员命令提示符 //开始菜单中找Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 4. 将环境变量 " TraceDesignTime" 设置为 true (设置成 TraceDesignTime=true) ...
提示报错:该产品是无法正确安装,请重新安装!前面的回答都很在理,可以综合下试试。。先查看源文件安装目录位置,然后卸载,若源文件没有完全卸载则手动删除,一般在系统盘program file/program file(X86)文件夹内也会产生记录文件,找到手动删除,然后清理一下注册表再安装试试 嘿嘿,若成功望采纳。。
The Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2022 doesn't have separate packages for different languages. It contains EULAs for all supported languages. Some of the downloads that are mentioned in this article are currently available onmy.visualstudio.com. Log in using a Visual Studio ...
After the last system update, Visual Studio stopped working with the Cloud Code extension. It perpetually installs and uninstalls the extension and throws the next error message: Cloud SDK was installed but was found to be invalid or corrupted so it was removed. Attempting to reinstall. Managed...
Annoyingly I deinstalled the whole of Visual Studio inadvertently due to this, and then couldn’t reinstall. Seems now to be reinstalling. Would be good to know when the proper fix is in, so I can take this out of my hosts file though. Thanks for whoever spotted the fix.! 0 ...