Visual Studio代码重构插件Refactor! Pro 今天升级到VS 2008,在写代码时想做一些重构(refactor)的操作,却发现VS的重构没有提供提取常量(extract constant)的功能。查找了一下,找到了这个著名的第三方重构插件:Refactor!™ Pro 支持的重构 Add AssociatedControlID Attribute Add Block Delimiters Add End Tag Add Parame...
切換工作清單快捷方式 Ctrl+K、Ctrl+H Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut 切換自動換行 Ctrl+E、Ctrl+W Edit.ToggleWordWrap 取消批注選取 Ctrl+K、Ctrl+U Edit.UncommentSelection 檢視底部 Ctrl+PgDn Edit.ViewBottom 檢視底部延伸 Ctrl+Shift+PgDn Edit.ViewBottomExtend 檢視頂端 Ctrl+PgUp Edit.ViewTop 檢視頂端延伸 ...
parameter to install on a client machine and ensure that both the installer and the Visual Studio product are downloaded only from the layout. Previously, sometimes during the installation process, the installer would not respect the -noWeb parameter and would try to self-update itself from the ...
Durch die referenzierte DACPAC-Datei verarbeitet die Bereitstellung refactorlog, auch wenn „IncludeCompositeObjects“ gleich „false“ ist CString mit Operator <=> gibt falsche Ergebnisse zurück (Auswirkung auf std::map, std::set usw.) ...
After more than a decade of using CodeRush, it still is my #1 must-have extension for Visual Studio. George Hendrickson CodeRush and DevExpress controls have become my major set of developer tools. Their controls are a cut above the rest no holds barred. Their tech support is top notch...
ReSharper 让 Visual Studio 成为更出色的 IDE 下载 30 天免费试用 ReSharper 是 Microsoft Visual Studio Marketplace 上最热门的扩展程序,下载量已经超过 250 万次。 自2004 年以来,ReSharper 一直致力于提高开发者工作效率。这些年来,ReSharper 改变了数百万开发者探索、编写、改进和维护其代码的方式。加入他们,让 ...
View Post Visual Studio 2010 Refactor 实践 来源:董昊(昊子)的专栏 - CSDNBlog 1. 前言 本来不想写重构,因为VS2005的加了重构功能但目前和Resharper、Eclipse等还是没有可比性。但既然已经有了重构,那么预计VS系列将加强这方面的功能,所以还是先来体验下吧。
With theClass Designertool in Visual Studio, you can design, visualize, and refactor class diagrams in C#, Visual Basic, or C++ projects. Class diagrams show the code elements and their relationships in a visual design surface, which can help you better understand your project structure and ...
Codistis a Visual Studio extension which strives to provide better coding experience and productivity for C# programmers. Codist 是一个致力于为 C# 程序员提供更佳的编码体验和效率的 Visual Studio 扩展。 Features Here's a brief but not complete demonstration ofCodist's enhancement to Visual Studio....
Add Fluent.byId which is shortcut for Fluent(document.getElementById) Add Fluent.each and which executes a callback with the node or css style declaration if element is not null Bugfixes: Column resizing does not work in Firefox without jQuery resizable due to longstanding Firefox...