Project sfProj=sln.AddSolutionFolder(ExternalBinDirectoryName); foreach(stringfileinDirectory.GetFiles(ExternalBinPath)) { sfProj.ProjectItems.AddFromFile(file); } 很简单,就是调用AddSolutionFolder方法。可以看到,解决方案文件夹被看作是一种Project,通过其ProjectItems添加文件(关于Project的更多内容请看下面)...
微软官方解释如下(Solutions and projects in Visual Studio): A project is contained within a solution. A solution contains one or more related projects, along with build information, Visual Studio window settings, and any miscellaneous files that aren't associated with a particular project. A solutio...
When you create a new project, Visual Studio creates a solution to contain the project. You can then add other new or existing projects to the solution if you want. You can also create blank or empty solutions. Solutions can also contain files that aren't connected to any specific project...
将C:\Documents and Settings\[你的登入账号]\VSWebCache\[你的计算机名称]\[Solution名称]的目录删除,让Visual Studio开启Solution/Project时重新建立此目录,若还是没用试试Method 3. Method 3: 1.将Solution/Project目录下的*.sln,*.suo,*.csproj,*.csproj.webinfo删除。 2.删除bin\[solution名称].* 。 3...
总的来说:solution是比vcproj大的概念,一个solution可以包含多个vcproj。vcproj :是一个VC项目的项目文件。项目的信息(名称,依赖,编译设置等存储在这里)solution:是解决方案,一个解决方案可以含有多个项目。这些项目可以是VC项目(vcproj),也可以是C#项目(csproj)等等。
(解决方案Solution一个大型项目的整体的工作环境工程Project一个解决方案下的一个子工程) 接着上一篇文章带你玩转Visual Studio——开篇介绍继续讲这个主题,现在我们从创建一个新的工程开始。 一步一步创建项目 依次选择菜单:File\New\Project,打开New Project对话框。
概述:Visual Studio 2008 可扩展性开发(五):操作Solution、Project和ProjectItem # 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >> 前言 说真的,前面几篇随笔读起来会很乏味,写起来更是如此。不过好戏总在后头,从这一篇开始我将介绍在Add-In中对VS的各个元素进行操作,这些会有意思得多。
When a project is loaded by Visual Studio for Mac, the Solution Window uses the project file to display the files and folders in your project. During compilation, MSBuild reads the settings from the project file to create the executable....
A solution is a structure for organizing projects in Visual Studio. The solution maintains the state information for projects in two files: .sln file (text-based, shared) .suo file (binary, user-specific solution options) For more information about .suo files, see Solution User Options (....
我前几天刚给一个小项目改了下名字,步骤大概是 先看看 git status,确保备份 用 vscode 在文件夹下...