Visual Studio 路线图 发行节奏 Visual Studio 新增功能文档 Visual Studio 2022 发行说明 预览发行说明 可分发代码 平台兼容性 移植、迁移和升级项目 系统要求 发布和生成历史记录 许可条款 Visual Studio 2019 Visual Studio 2017 Visual Studio 2015 Visual Studio 2013 ...
Administrator rights are required to install Visual Studio for Mac. Xamarin.Android requires the 64-bit Java Development Kit (JDK). Xamarin.iOS requires Apple's Xcode IDE and iOS SDK. Xamarin.Forms can target both Android and iOS platforms, given the requirements listed above. ...
The minimum system requirements for the Visual Studio 2019 for Mac family of products is below. To install Visual Studio 2019 for Mac, see Visual Studio 2019 Downloads. For information about everything that's new in this release, see the Visual Studio 2019 for Mac release notes....
Visual Studio 开发工具和服务让任何开发人员在任何平台和语言的应用开发都更加轻松。 随时随地免费使用代码编辑器或 IDE 进行开发。
The minimum system requirements for the Visual Studio 2019 for Mac family of products is below. To install Visual Studio 2019 for Mac, see Visual Studio 2019 Downloads. For information about everything that's new in this release, see the Visual Studio 2019 for Mac release notes. S...
Visual Studio 2012 System requirements for the Visual Studio 2013 family of products are listed in the table below. For more information on compatibility, please seeVisual Studio 2013 Platform Targeting and Compatibility. To view system requirements for specific products, click on a bookmark below: ...
Visual Studio 2012 System requirements for the Visual Studio 2013 family of products are listed in the table below. For more information on compatibility, please seeVisual Studio 2013 Platform Targeting and Compatibility. To view system requirements for specific products, click on a bookmark below: ...
Visual Studio 2013 Team Foundation Server 2013 Visual Studio 2012 System requirements for the Visual Studio 2013 family of products are listed in the table below. For more information on compatibility, please see Visual Studio 2013 Platform Targeting and Compatibility.To...
Visual Studio helps you understand, discuss, and communicate your users' needs by drawing diagrams about their activities and the part your system plays in helping them achieve their goals. A requirements model is a set of these diagrams, each of which focuses on a different aspect of the user...
From the Nsight menu in Visual Studio, choose either:Start CUDA Debugging (Next-Gen)Start CUDA Debugging (Legacy)For information on choosing the correct debugger for your system configuration, see System Requirements.Alternatively, you can also choose to:...