插件市场地址:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MadsKristensen.SolutionColors Visual Studio Theme Pack(免费) 基于默认 VS Code 主题的主题包,使用主题转换器创建。这些主题与 Visual Studio 2022 Preview 4 及更高版本最兼容(支持的主题包括:Abyss、Dark+、Kimbie Dark、Light+、Monokai、Monokai...
插件市场地址:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=csharpier.CSharpier#report-abuse 格式之前:格式之后:Visual Studio Theme Pack(免费)Visual Studio流行主题集。 插件市场地址:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=idex.vsthemepack Indent...
插件市场地址:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MS-vsliveshare.vsls-vs CodeRush(免费) CodeRush是用于Visual Studio 2022的功能强大且快速的代码创建、调试、导航、重构、分析和可视化工具(一个完全免费的能和ReSharper匹敌插件)。 插件市场地址:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?item...
插件市场地址:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MS-vsliveshare.vsls-vs👉 CodeRush(免费) CodeRush是用于Visual Studio 2022的功能强大且快速的代码创建、调试、导航、重构、分析和可视化工具(一个完全免费的能和ReSharper匹敌插件)。 插件市场地址:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?
Visual Studio中的 GitHub Copilot 免费版无试用版。 无需信用卡。仅限 GitHub 帐户。 让Copilot 免费版和 Visual Studio 2022 帮助你生成和重构代码、调试代码、识别 bug 和解决方法、优化性能,并在整个编码工作流中获取特定于上下文的帮助。无试用版。 无需信用卡。仅限 GitHub 帐户。 下载Visual Studio 免费...
Solution Colors允许将颜色与解决方案关联起来,并在 Visual Studio 的不同位置显示。灵感来自 VS Code 的 Peacock 扩展 image.png Visual Studio Theme Pack(免费) 基于默认 VS Code 主题的主题包,使用主题转换器创建。这些主题与 Visual Studio 2022 Preview 4 及更高版本最兼容(支持的主题包括:Abyss、Dark+、Kimb...
Visual Studio 2015 IDE can't be launched after removing Visual Studio U3. In the task manager it...Date: 09/26/2016Setup detected an issue during the operation. Please click below to check for a solution and help us to improve the setup experience....
Visual Studio 2017 v15.8 最新功能與改善的版本資訊。 利用 Visual studio 擬定更完善的計劃、聯合撰寫程式碼,並加快出貨速度。
When following the supported upgrade paths, your Visual Studio source, solution, and project files will continue to work; however, you should expect to make some changes to sources. While we cannot guarantee binary compatibility between releases, we will do our best to document significant changes...
When following the supported upgrade paths, your Visual Studio source, solution, and project files will continue to work; however, you should expect to make some changes to sources. While we cannot guarantee binary compatibility between releases, we will do our best to document significant changes...