I'm using Visual Studio 2013 at work and I want my C# build output to be saved to a file I've specified. I found Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Build and Run which allows me to set build output and build log file verbosity but there's nothing which indicates the path ...
The default value forBuild Action depends on the extension of the file that you add to the solution. For example, if you add a Visual Basic project to Solution Explorer, the default value for Build Action is Compile. This is because the extension .vb indicates a code file that can be co...
使用Debug 类或 Trace 类(System.Diagnostics 类库的一部分)将运行时消息写入 Visual Studio 中的“输出”窗口。
VSDiagnosticsstart<id> /launch:<ExeToProfile> /loadConfig:AgentConfigs\PerfInstrumentation.json 调整记事本的大小,或在其中输入一些内容,以确保收集到一些有趣的评估信息。 通过键入以下命令停止收集会话并将输出发送到文件。 Windows 命令提示符 VSDiagnostics.exe stop <id> /output:<pathto file> ...
"name": "Python: Current File", "type": "python", "request": "launch", "program": "${file}", "internalConsoleOptions": "openOnSessionStart", "redirectOutput": true } ] Forc++they have an extensive tutorial on how to debug and run:https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/cpp(...
Release notes for the latest features and improvements in Visual Studio 2017 v15.9. Plan better, code together and ship faster with Visual Studio.
If even one of the project output files is marked as read-only, this exception will be thrown. Error ID:BC31019 To correct this error Compile the program again to see if the error recurs. If the error continues, save your work and restart Visual Studio. ...
适合文件到文件的方式,将%(Filename)%(Extension)替换为具体文件,如将某个文件复制到指定的路径,这样写清真很多,请看代码 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 <ItemGroup><ContentWithTargetPath Include="Dll\lindexi.dll"><CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory><...
使用VS2010时出现如下问题:由于缺少调试目标“……”,Visual Studio无法开始调试。请生成项目并重试,或者相应地设置OutputPath和AssemblyName属性,使其指向目标程序集的正确位置。 解决方法:在“解决方案资源管理器”中右键点击项目名,点击“清理”(注意是项目名右键菜单中的“清理”,不是菜单栏中的“清理解决方案”),...
本文用到了 %(Filename) 以及 Copy 和 Target 等,这些可以在我博客看到如何使用 Roslyn 如何使用 MSBuild Copy 复制文件 c# - Visual Studio: How to "Copy to Output Directory" without copying the folder structure? - Stack Overflow ...