这里其实指的是 NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio Code Edition 这个插件,我理解这个插件可以认为是CUDA-GDB的可视化界面版本,封装了命令行操作到vscode的插件的界面操作。 实验手册 参考官方文档 Getting Started with the CUDA Debugger :: NVIDIA Nsight VSCE Documentation 实验环境 Ubuntu-22.04(为了避免麻烦,可以用root...
NVIDIA Nsight Integrationis a Visual Studio extension that allows you to access the power of the following NVIDIA Nsight standalone tools from within Visual Studio. Nsight Compute: CUDA application interactive kernel profiler Nsight Graphics: Graphics application frame debugger and profiler ...
C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v11.1\common\inc 右键项目→属性→ 配置属性→ VC++目录→ 库目录,添加以下目录: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.1\lib\x64 C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v11.1\common\lib\x64 五、配置CUDA静态链接库路径 右键项目...
NVIDIA Nsight Integrationis a Visual Studio extension that allows you to access the power of the following NVIDIA Nsight standalone tools from within Visual Studio. Nsight Compute: CUDA application interactive kernel profiler Nsight Graphics: Graphics application frame debugger and profiler ...
NVIDIA Nsight Integration is a Visual Studio extension that allows you to access the power of the following NVIDIA Nsight standalone tools from within Visual Studio. Nsight Compute : CUDA application interactive kernel profiler Nsight Graphics : Graphics application frame debugger and profiler Nsight ...
NVIDIA Nsight Integrationis a Visual Studio extension that allows you to access the power of the following NVIDIA Nsight standalone tools from within Visual Studio. Nsight Compute: CUDA application interactive kernel profiler Nsight Graphics: Graphics application frame debugger and profiler ...
添加的库目录 “C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.1\lib\x64” 中的库,可参选 注意: kernel32.lib;user32.lib;gdi32.lib;winspool.lib;comdlg32.lib;advapi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;oleaut32.lib;uuid.lib;odbc32.lib;odbccp32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies) ...
https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads在里面选择你所对应的电脑版本即可。 2 VS2010这个没什么说的了,网上各种的免费资源,下载一个不需要钱的就行。 3 Cuda的安装:(win7版32bit) 安装cuda 3.1 cuda的安装文件 直接双击exe文件,弹出后,首先会监测一下你的运行环境,如果找不到Nividia对应的显卡设备,他会...
D:\Program Files\NVIDIA Cuda\lib\x64 我只添加了x64,那个include没加,也运行成功了 5. 右键项目>> 属性>> 配置属性>> 链接器>> 常规>> 附加库目录,添加以下目录: $(CUDA_PATH_V12)\lib$(Platform)我的版本是v12 6.右键项目>> 属性>> 配置属性>> 链接器>> 输入>> 附加依赖项,添加以下库: ...
Visual Studio IDE环境下利用模板创建和手动配置CUDA项目教程,目前版本的cuda是很方便的,它的一个安装里面包括了Toolkit`SDK`document`Nsight等等,而不用你自己去挨个安装,这样也避免了版本的不同步问题。1cuda5.5的下载地址,官方网站即可:https://developer.nvidia.c