Besides C++ and C, I use MicroPython to program microcontrollers, especially the ESP32/ESP8266 types. These two microcontrollers are compatible with MicroPython and it is easy to integrate sensors and actors programming using this language. I wrote atutorialabout installing MicroPython on the ESPs, ...
使用Visual Studio Code进行MicroPython编程 Visual Studio Code(以下简称VSCode)是一个轻量且强大的跨平台开源代码编辑器(IDE),支持Windows,OSX和Linux。内置JavaScript、TypeScript 2023-04-26 09:29:54 使用Visual Studio Code开发MCUXpresso工程(环境准备篇) Visual Studio Code(VSCode)是微软开发的一款跨平台、免费...
(Use the Switch Stubs command to get auto-completion for the ESP32 port of MicroPython.)MicroPico is a Visual Studio Code extension designed to simplify and accelerate the development of MicroPython projects for the Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W boards. This tool streamlines the coding process,...
MicroPico Visual Studio Code Extension (aka Pico-W-Go) New Feature:ExperimentalESP32-WROOM,ESP32-C3,ESP32-S3,ESP32-S3-PicoandTeensy 4.0support! (Use theSwitch Stubscommand to get auto-completion for theESP32port of MicroPython.) MicroPicois a Visual Studio Code extension designed to simplify...
REST Client for Visual Studio Code FREE indent-rainbow 1M oderwat Makes indentation easier to read FREE PlatformIO IDE 1M PlatformIO Development environment for Embedded, IoT, Arduino, ARM mbed, Espressif (ESP8266/ESP32), AVR, RISC-V, STM32, PIC32, nRF51/nRF52, MSP430, MCS-51 (8051), ...
Use LVGL from Micropython Learn more about Micropython. # Create a Button and a Label scr = lv.obj() btn = lv.btn(scr) btn.align(lv.scr_act(), lv.ALIGN.CENTER, 0, 0) label = lv.label(btn) label.set_text("Button") # Load the screen lv.scr_load(scr) Release policy LVGL foll...
Learn more aboutMicropython. # Create a Button and a Labelscr=lv.obj()btn=lv.btn(scr)btn.align(lv.scr_act(),lv.ALIGN.CENTER,0,0)label=lv.label(btn)label.set_text("Button")# Load the screenlv.scr_load(scr) Contributing To ask questions please use theForum. For development-related ...
Use LittlevGL from Micropython Learn more about Micropython. # Create a Button and a Label scr = lv.obj() btn = lv.btn(scr) btn.align(lv.scr_act(), lv.ALIGN.CENTER, 0, 0) label = lv.label(btn) label.set_text("Button") # Load the screen lv.scr_load(scr) Contributing To ask...
Learn more aboutMicropython. # Create a Button and a Labelscr=lv.obj()btn=lv.btn(scr)btn.align(lv.scr_act(),lv.ALIGN.CENTER,0,0)label=lv.label(btn)label.set_text("Button")# Load the screenlv.scr_load(scr) Release policy
Learn more aboutMicropython. # Create a Button and a Labelscr=lv.obj()btn=lv.btn(scr)btn.align(lv.scr_act(),lv.ALIGN.CENTER,0,0)label=lv.label(btn)label.set_text("Button")# Load the screenlv.scr_load(scr) Contributing To ask questions please use theForum. For development-related ...