git checkout New_Feature git merge main 若要在 Visual Studio 中执行相同操作,请在分支列表中双击功能分支以将其签出。 然后右键单击主分支并选择“将‘主分支’合并到‘New_Feature 分支’”。若要在命令行上将主分支变基到你自己的功能分支中,请使用以下命令:Bash...
Visual Studio 2022 的可分发代码文件 以下部分是“REDIST 列表”,Visual Studio Enterprise 2022、Visual Studio Professional 2022 和 Visual Studio Community 2022(简称“软件”)的 Microsoft 软件许可条款的“可分发代码”部分中引用了此列表。 如果你有此类软件的有效许可副本,可根据软件的许可条款,使用你的程序复制...
Merge tools
Merge branch 'main' into patch-1 Dec 11, 2023 CodeQL.yml eng: mark the patch application file as being generated (#194047) Sep 26, 2023 LICENSE.txt remove blank line (my best checkin ever) May 2, 2020 Fix supported markdown-lint violations in markdown files (#190750) ...
Visual Studio代码是一款功能强大的集成开发环境(IDE),广泛用于软件开发和编程。Perforce是一种版本控制系统,用于管理和协调多个开发者之间的代码更改。Perforce提供了一个可视化的合并工具,用于解决代码冲突和合并不同版本的代码。 作为Perforce的合并工具,Visual Studio代码提供了一种直观且高效的方式来处理代码合并。它具有...
Visual Studio 中的部署 合并模块介绍 ( 合并模块是 Windows Installer 的一个功能,它提供了传送组件的标准方法,从而确保安装组件的正确版本。合并模块包含 .dll 这样的组件以及任何相关的文件、资源、注册表项和安装逻辑。
Push from Visual Studio to a remote branch Article 2024-04-06 9 contributors Feedback After you've authenticated to GitHub, Visual Studio can improve your GitHub workflow. One of those improvements is the ability to push (also known as publish) a local project directly to GitHub with a ...
[merge];tool=bc;[mergetool"bc"];path=d:/program files/beyond compare4/bcomp.exe[diff]tool=araxis[difftool"araxis"]prompt=falsepath=d:/ProgramFiles/Araxis/AraxisMerge/Compare.exe[merge]tool=araxis[mergetool"araxis"]path=d:/ProgramFiles/Araxis/AraxisMerge/Compare.exe[mergetool]prompt=falsetool...
The current branch The parent branch A child branch A peer branch A branch further away than a parent, child, or peer A merge from the parent branch to a child branch A merge from a child branch to the parent branch A merge from an unrelated branch (baseless merge)Find linked work item...
Here's how to push to a remote in Visual Studio. Make sure you've got a file open to work on that's in a previously created or cloned repo. Make a change to the file, save it, select the Git Changes tab, and then commit the change. In the Git Changes window, notice the link...