原因一:安装路径更改Visual Studio 的安装路径在安装过程中是固定的,如果用户在安装后更改了安装路径,可能会导致 Visual Studio Installer 无法找到已安装的产品。因此,在安装 Visual Studio 时,应确保选择一个合适的安装路径,并避免在安装后更改路径。原因二:缓存文件夹被删除Visual Studio Installer 在安装过程中会创建...
直接复制日志里的https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/installer,下载,发现成功下载,然后放到installer安装器同级目录,重新打开setup安装,就成功了打开了,然后会一直正在准备中,这时, 补充:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio,这个路径下的packages也要删除。 删除packages,重新打开安装包,发现成功了。
方式1:VS主界面--扩展--管理扩展--搜索VS插件“Visual Studio Installer Projects 2022”并安装。 方式2:直接下载安装,网址:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=VisualStudioClient.MicrosoftVisualStudio2022InstallerProjects 二、创建Setup Project项目 2.1 在现有解决方案中添加Setup Project项目 解决...
Delete the Visual Studio Installer folder. Typically, the folder path isC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer. Run the Visual Studio Installer bootstrapper. You might find the bootstrapper in yourDownloadsfolder with a file nameVisualStudioSetup.exe(Visual Studio 2022) ...
i am unable to uninstall the Visual studio 2022 and 2019 and also not presented existing installed VS’s in the Installer installed page and showing the message like “you have not installed anything yet” I tried to clean up using “InstallCleanup.exe” however its jus...
As I did not get the results I wanted I thought about installing VS2019 to test the MS Connectors for Oracle there. Sadly when I ran the visual studio installer it opened with an error saying “something went wrong” and nothing was loading as i...
Solved: I ran w_BaseKit_p_2024.0.1.45_offline.exe on Windows 11 23H2 (OS version: 22631.2861). I have Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 version 17.8.3
While running the VS Installer I am getting and error of "Sorry, something went wrong The install operation failed." I have tried researched and tried various proposed solutions such as running the InstallCleanup.exe and deleting the Installer folder and rerunning the VisualStudioSetup but...