1. 在solution的Property中选择Common Properties->Project Dependencies,给A的depends on里面选上B 2. A的Property里的Configuration Properties->C++->General,在Additional Include Directories里加上B对应的include目录 3. A的Property里的Configuration Properties->Linker->Input,在Additional Dependecies里面加上B编出来...
1. Add new project in same solution, and drag all related "*.cpp" and "*.h" files into new project 2. Go toProperty->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories, add the directory of new created projects in the main project. Also, if sub-projects reference other projects, add the...
微软官方解释如下(Solutions and projects in Visual Studio): A project is contained within a solution. A solution contains one or more related projects, along with build information, Visual Studio window settings, and any miscellaneous files that aren't associated with a particular project. A solutio...
1. Add new project in same solution, and drag all related "*.cpp" and "*.h" files into new project 2. Go to Property -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories, add the directory of new created projects in the main project. Also, if sub-projects reference other projects...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workspace.Extensions.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workspace.Extensions v17.12.18 MSBuild ProjectInSolution C++/WinRT复制 [Windows::Foundation::Metadata::WebHostHidden]classProjectInSolution Inheritance Object ProjectInSolution ...
使用Visual Studio 搜索 解决方案和项目 了解有关解决方案和项目的信息 创建新项目 使用解决方案和项目 打开存储库中的项目 了解解决方案资源管理器 管理项目和解决方案属性 项目引用 管理应用程序资源 (.NET) 排查资源编辑器错误 应用程序设置 (.NET) 对清单签名 指定应用程序图标(Visual Basic、C#) 确定目标框架 ...
ProjectInSolution.GetAbsolutePath(IWorkspace) Method Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workspace.Extensions.MSBuild Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workspace.Extensions.dll Get the absolute path of the project C++ 複製 public: System::String ^ GetAbsolute...
总的来说:solution是比vcproj大的概念,一个solution可以包含多个vcproj。vcproj :是一个VC项目的项目文件。项目的信息(名称,依赖,编译设置等存储在这里)solution:是解决方案,一个解决方案可以含有多个项目。这些项目可以是VC项目(vcproj),也可以是C#项目(csproj)等等。
接着上一篇文章带你玩转Visual Studio——开篇介绍继续讲这个主题,现在我们从创建一个新的工程开始。 一步一步创建项目 依次选择菜单:File\New\Project,打开New Project对话框。 <1>.选择项目类型:Win32 Console Application;<2>.填写工程名(Project Name):TestProject(可以给它取一个任意你想要的名字);<3>.选择...
In Visual Studio, the project file is used by Solution Explorer to display the project contents and settings. When you compile your project, the MSBuild engine consumes the project file to create the executable. You can also customize projects to product other kinds of output....