How to: Add and Remove References in Visual Studio (C#) How to: Set the Reference Path (C#) How to: Add or Remove Imported Namespaces (Visual Basic) How to: Remove Unused References (Visual Basic) How to: Set the Copy Local Property of a Reference ...
You can also add Web references by using theAdd Web Referencedialog box. For more information, seeHow to: Add and Remove Web References. When you manually add a reference to any of the EnvDTE namespaces (EnvDTE,EnvDTE80,EnvDTE90,EnvDTE90a, orEnvDTE100), set theEmbed Interop Typespropert...
How-toVerify that the option is enabled. Select Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced, and enable Show "Removed Unused References" command in Solution Explorer (experimental). Right click on a project name or dependencies node in Solution Explorer. Select Remove Unused References. The...
1 1. 下载安装visual studio软件,然后打开您的工程文件 2 2. 在【解决方案管理器】中找到【引用】,鼠标右键菜单中选择【添加服务引用】3 3. 弹出的窗口中,点击左下角的【高级】,如图所示。其中【命名空间】可以自己定义名称 4 4. 步骤3后后,弹出的【服务引用设置】窗口中,点击左下角的【添加web引用】5...
您現在可以透過 Windows 子系統 Linux 版(WSL) 或 SSH 針對以 Linux 為目標的 CMake 專案,在 Visual Studio 調試程式中對 CMake 腳本和CMakeLists.txt檔案進行偵錯。 若要在 Visual Studio 中啟動 CMake 偵錯會話,請在檔案CMakeLists.txt中設定斷點,然後流覽至 [使用 CMake 偵錯進行項目>設定快取]。 Git...
您現在可以透過 Windows 子系統 Linux 版(WSL) 或 SSH 針對以 Linux 為目標的 CMake 專案,在 Visual Studio 調試程式中對 CMake 腳本和CMakeLists.txt檔案進行偵錯。 若要在 Visual Studio 中啟動 CMake 偵錯會話,請在檔案CMakeLists.txt中設定斷點,然後流覽至 [使用 CMake 偵錯進行項目>設定快取]。 Git...
How to: Add or remove references by using the Reference Manager Article 08/30/2021 2 contributors In this article Reference Manager dialog box Add a reference Assemblies tab Projects tab Show 7 more Applies to: Visual Studio Visual Studio for Mac Note This article ap...
In this article, you use the Visual Basic Editor to demonstrate how to: Create a reference to your own custom VBA project. Write code to verify that the reference exists. Write code to remove an incorrect reference. Write code to add the ref...
Release notes for the latest features and improvements in Visual Studio 2017 v15.9. Plan better, code together and ship faster with Visual Studio.
命名空间:Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine 程序集:Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine(在 Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.dll 中) 语法 C#复制 .NET Framework 安全性 对直接调用方的完全信任。此成员不能由部分信任的代码使用。有关更多信息,请参见通过部分受信任...