Visual Studio App Center 计划于 2025 年 3 月 31 日停用。 虽然可以继续使用 Visual Studio App Center,直到它完全停用,但你可以考虑迁移到几个建议的替代方法。 详细了解支持时间线和替代方案。你将在此处找到的文档应解释你需要了解的有关 Visual Studio App Center 的所有内容。 但是,如果你需要其他帮助,我们...
The docs you'll find here should explain everything you need to know about Visual Studio App Center. However, if you need additional help, we have a dedicated support team ready to answer your questions. This page provides instructions on how to connect with them. ...
Create high-quality apps for iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS faster by automating application lifecycles with Visual Studio App Center.
Create high-quality apps for iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS faster by automating application lifecycles with Visual Studio App Center.
Visual Studio 的熱門鍵盤快捷方式 全域快捷方式 內容特定的快捷方式 您可以選擇適當的鍵盤快捷方式,在 Visual Studio 中存取各種 命令 和視窗。 此頁面列出 [一般] 配置檔的預設命令快捷方式,您可能已在安裝 Visual Studio 時選擇該設定檔。 無論您選擇哪一個配置檔,都可以開啟 [選項] 對話框、...
管理Visual Studio 订阅 登录到合作伙伴中心,然后选择“权益”。 选择“开发人员工具”选项卡 >Visual Studio 订阅权益。 选择行最右侧的向下箭头以展开订阅的详细信息。 若要激活 Visual Studio 订阅,请从列表中选择一个用户,然后选择“分配用户”。 如果要分配的用户不在该列表中,可以在“帐户设置”中添加新用户。
When I installed the Visual Studio COmmunity, I got the following error: Unable to download installation files. Check your internet connection and try again. Can you help me? Visual Studio Visual Studio A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Window...
GitHub Copilot Edits in Visual Studio 2022 combines the conversational flow of chat and an inline review experience to help you iterate across your codebase with more control and efficiency. Here’s how Copilot Edits helps with iterating across multiple files: Available in Visual Studio 2022 17...
This error occurs when Visual Studio can't access one or more of the required installation files. This error may occur for any of the following reasons:An outside process, such as an antivirus or anti-malware application, has locke...
Visual Studio 2010 SP1 contains the following improvements: DAC upgrades are supported on SQL Azure and on SQL Server. DAC upgrades are now in-place instead of side-by-side. Technology Improvements Help Viewer 1.1 To support developer productivity, a stand-alone application for viewing locally is...