自动生成Class Diagram是Visual Studio 2005中一个很cool的功能。你可以利用它快速对现有code的architecture有个大概的了解。 使用方法如下: 1,click下面图中的"View Class Diagram"按钮, 2,然后会出现一个名字类似于ClassDiagram1.cd,如下图 不过使用生成的.cd文件需要依赖于source code。 另外可以直接把diagram保存...
为了生成类图,visual studio提供了内置的选项,请使用它,转到你的项目的类视图窗口,RightClick->选择...
To generate Visual C# .NET code from UML class diagrams in Visual Studio, use the Generate Code command. By default, the command generates a C# type for each UML type that you select. You can modify and extend this behavior by modifying or copying the text templates that generate the code...
自动生成Class Diagram是Visual Studio 2005中一个很cool的功能。你可以利用它快速对现有code的architecture有个大概的了解。 使用方法如下: 1,click下面图中的"View Class Diagram"按钮, 2,然后会出现一个名字类似于ClassDiagram1.cd,如下图 不过使用生成的.cd文件需要依赖于source code。 另外可以直接把diagram保存...
Visual Studio 的熱門鍵盤快捷方式 全域快捷方式 內容特定的快捷方式 您可以選擇適當的鍵盤快捷方式,在 Visual Studio 中存取各種 命令 和視窗。 此頁面列出 [一般] 配置檔的預設命令快捷方式,您可能已在安裝 Visual Studio 時選擇該設定檔。 無論您選擇哪一個配置檔,都可以開啟 [選項] 對話框、展開 [Environme...
The second way to add a class diagram to a project is to choose View Class Diagram from the context menu for a given project. In this way, Visual Studio generates a class diagram from an existing project. This option is shown inFigure 6.51. ...
In Visual Studio, you can use a UML class diagram to describe data types and their relationships separately from their implementation. The diagram is used to focus on the logical aspects of the classes, instead of their implementation.To create a UML class diagram, on the Architecture menu, ...
To create a UML class diagram, on theArchitecturemenu, chooseNew UML Diagram or Layer Diagram. To see which versions of Visual Studio support this feature, seeVersion support for architecture and modeling tools. 备注 This topic is about UML class diagrams. There is another kind of class diagram...
A null reference error occurs for explicit interface implementations and transient diagrams when you generate a sequence diagram. Additionally, Visual Studio 2010 SP1 contains the following improvements: Interaction Messages are now sorted. Backlinks to layer diagram elements from Team Foundation Server wor...
Visual Studio A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices. 5,288 questions 1 answer How can I use class diagram on my Visual studio Enterprise 2022 I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 (ARM 64-bit)...