Visual Studio for Mac 遵循Microsoft 现代生命周期策略,从公开发布 (RTW) 主要产品版本的日期开始。 通过“更新”实现维护,更新包中有新功能和对产品现有功能的累积修补程序。 只要满足以下条件,就处于“受支持状态”: 你正在使用通过“稳定”通道分发的最新版产品。
Visual Studio 2019 for Mac Support for Unity Game DevelopmentVisual Studio for Mac Tools for Unity is a free Visual Studio extension that turns Visual Studio for Mac into a powerful tool for developing cross-platform games and apps with the Unity platform. ...
Visual Studio 2019 for Mac Support for iOS Development Visual Studio 2019 for Mac enables you to build native iOS apps using Xamarin and C#. You can also use Unity to build iOS games. For more information, seeiOS development with Visual Studio for Mac. ...
Visual Studio 2019 for Mac是微软公司开发的一款面向Mac操作系统的集成开发环境(IDE)。它提供了丰富的功能和工具,用于开发各种类型的应用程序,包括移动应用、Web应用和桌面应用。Visual Studio 2019 for Mac具有许多新增功能和改进,例如对F# 5.0的支持、新的NuGet包管理器、对dotnet CLI提供的解决方案模板的支持等。
Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.3.9 发现 产品文档 开发语言 主题 此主题的部分內容可能由机器或 AI 翻译。 消除警报 搜索 Visual Studio Visual Studio for Mac Visual Studio 支持资源 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 共享LinkedIn电子邮件...
Visual Studio for Mac makes it easy to develop your app's service with its support for the latest ASP.NET Core Web development platform. ASP.NET Core runs on the latest evolution of the .NET platform and runtime. It's been tuned for fast performance, factored for small install sizes, ...
We hope you enjoy Visual Studio 2019 for Mac 8.9 as much as we enjoyed working on it. To update to this version, you can download the installer from theVisual Studio for Mac websiteoruse the in-product updaterto update an existing installation. ...
Since the initial release of Visual Studio 2019 for Mac in April, we’ve been working to update all the editors within the IDE. In v8.1, we introduced the new C# editor. v8.2 brought the new XAML editor to Visual Studio for Mac. In v8.3, we’re updating all the web editors! The ...
Visual Studio 2019 for Mac 8.4 已发布,作为开启新年的首个版本,8.4 引入了不少激动人心的增强功能。其中不少是来自社区的呼声,主要包括:支持 .NET Core 3.1 最新稳定版提供对 ASP.NET Core 项目的脚手架支持提供开发和发布 ASP.NET Core Blazor 服务端应用程序的能力改进编辑体验,包括对 .razor 文件...