打开Visual Studio,选择“Tools”菜单,然后选择“Extensions and Updates”,在搜索框中输入插件名称,点击“Install”按钮安装插件。 使用插件 安装成功后,在Visual Studio的菜单栏或工具栏中,会出现插件的相关功能或选项,开发者可以根据需要使用。 自定义模板 Visual Studio提供了多种模板,方便开发者快速创建应用程序或代...
You can update a Visual Studio extension on your system by using Extensions and Updates to install the updated version. If you create an updated version of an extension, you can signify it as updated by incrementing the version number in the VSIX manifest....
Restart Visual Studio. Automatic extension updates Extensions are updated automatically when a new version is available on Visual Studio Marketplace. The new version of the extension is detected and installed in the background. The next time you open Visual Studio, the new ...
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開始開發 Visual Studio 延伸模組 建立您的第一個延伸模組:Hello World VisualStudio.Extensibility SDK (預覽) >> 更新Visual Studio 2022 的延伸模組 Visual Studio 2019 SDK 新功能 Visual Studio 的往返延伸模組 語言伺服器通訊協定 開啟資料夾 擴充選單和命令 ...
VisualStudio.Extensibility SDK (预览版) >> 更新Visual Studio 2022 的扩展 Visual Studio 2019 SDK 新功能介绍 Visual Studio 的往返扩展 语言服务器协议 打开文件夹 扩展菜单和命令 将命令添加到工具栏 扩展和自定义工具窗口 编辑器和语言服务扩展 扩展项目 ...
Under the Tools menu, click on Extensions and Updates and then go to Online | Visual Studio Marketplace (see Figure 1 The Extensions and Updates Dialog Window). Figure 1 The Extensions and Updates Dialog Window You can also double-click a VSIX file. When this happens, a Visual Studio ...
In theExtensions and Updates, find the extension you want to install. (If you know the name or part of the name of the extension, you can search in theSearch Visual Studio Gallerywindow.) ClickDownload, thenInstall. You must restart Visual Studio in order to load the extension. ...
One place for all extensions for Visual Studio, Azure DevOps Services, Azure DevOps Server and Visual Studio Code. Discover and install extensions and subscriptions to create the dev environment you need.
You no longer have to manually update and restart Visual Studio for these extensions. Extensions that are installed for ‘all users’ may now opt-in to this feature. As a user, you continue to have full control to enable/disable auto-updates for each extension in Tools -> Extensions and ...