如果其中一個衛星進程發生錯誤,通常會在 Visual Studio 中顯示為「StreamJsonRpc.RemoteInvocationException」或「StreamJsonRpc.ConnectionLostException」。使這些類型的問題更具可操作性的最佳方法是提供其他可以依照以下步驟收集的記錄:如果這是直接重現的問題,請從刪除 %temp%/servicehub/logs 資料夾開始。 如果...
幾秒鐘之後,詳細的錯誤記錄就會顯示在 Visual Studio 的 [輸出] 視窗。 按住Ctrl 鍵並按一下該連結,可在瀏覽器中查看格式化的記錄輸出:下載檔案系統記錄檔任何您可在 [輸出] 視窗中監視的記錄,也能下載為 .zip 檔案。在[輸出] 視窗中,按一下 [Download Streaming Logs]。 [檔案總管] 會開啟至您的 Download...
When you receive one of these error messages, try again to install Visual Studio after your internet connection improves. If you continue to see this error, try the following methods:Install Visual Studio from a different so...
When you receive one of these error messages, try again to install Visual Studio after your internet connection improves. If you continue to see this error, try the following methods:Install Visual Studio from a different source. For ...
Can SQL server data tools be installed without Visual Studio can we install visual studio 2012 ultimate in windows 7 professional-32-bit os Can't apply update 1 - logs indicate Error 0x80070490: Failed to find expected public key in certificate chain on preparation.exe Can't connect to data...
When you receive one of these error messages, try again to install Visual Studio after your internet connection improves. If you continue to see this error, try the following methods:Install Visual Studio from a different source. For example, if you installed Visual Studio from Vis...
此訊息會告訴您需要授與此特定錯誤的許可權。 您在 Visual Studio 中看到的另一個許可權錯誤是 主控台複製 Web deployment task failed.((5/12/2011 11:31:41 AM) An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote computer.) 主控台複製 ...
Sadly when I ran the visual studio installer it opened with an error saying “something went wrong” and nothing was loading as it used to be. I could not see any VS I had installed nor choose to modify or install something new. I was searching Google and the MS f...
I'd focus on this. I assume you must be able to connect to SQL Server in Visual Studio to build your cube, so I guess Analysis Services doesn't have permissions. Check your connection strings. You say you're using Windows Authentication, so does the service accounts that Analysis Services...
Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component. Project is opened but unable to build, build failed and pop… Visual Studio Visual Studio A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices. ...