Restarting at 100% scaling allows for proper rendering without overlap.Why this message appears and what to do about itIf your Windows Forms designer UI looks fine, you can ignore this message or disable it.If the display doesn't look right, try the link to restart Visual Studio and see ...
Visual Studio does not have such “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings” setting like other applications to resolve this issue. There is no other way to control it for VS. My suggestion is to larger the text on the screen through setting ‘Change the size of all items’ under Con...
The message readsScaling on your main display is set to 200% (192 dpi). This might cause rendering problems in the designer window. 注意 This informational bar was introduced in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8. 提示 If you've closed the informational bar at the top of the designe...
Visual Studio Debugger can't display values in 'Locals' window. Feedback ticket Fixed a bug causing VS to immediately crash and close when opening the NuGet Package Manager if the right-side details pane was sized to be very small. Feedback ticket Fixed an issue where hovering over a docke...
This class should be used by code running inside Visual Studio or other appids. The class provides public static properties and methods for easy binding/calling, and public static extension methods; the actual scaling implementation is delegated to the DpiHelper class from Microsoft.VisualStudio.Util...
Scaling according to DPI sample (Windows 8) This sample describes how to build an app that scales according to the pixel density of the screen. It loads images of the right scale or overrides default scaling. This sample uses the Windows.Graphics.Display API. Creating a Windows Runtime in-...
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 產品評估指南 雲 + 端 的一致性開發平台 HTML5 開發最強利器,橫跨各行動平台 Windows Store App 的唯一開發工具 Scrum 敏捷開發,加速 App 改版並強化品質 軟體生命週期管理 (ALM) 的進化 本手冊電子檔,試用版下載及 Visual Studio 2012 線上學習 : 目錄 ...
Visual Studio 2019 (left) with system scaling vs Visual Studio 2019 (right) with the PMA option enabled. If you have used Visual Studio across monitors with different scale factors or remoted into a machine with a different configuration than the host device, you mighthave noticed Visual Studio...
Those shortcuts start Visual Studio in a special mode. Non-scaling mode: disables DPI-awareness of Visual Studio and let you design WinForm applications with 100% scaling. Safe mode: disables most extensions in Visual Studio. If an extension keeps crashing the development environment, you can ...
Visual Studio 2019 (left) with system scaling vs Visual Studio 2019 (right) with the PMA option enabled. If you have used Visual Studio across monitors with different scale factors or remoted into a machine with a different configuration than the host device, you mighthave noticed Visual Studio...