GUIDS。 若要讓 Visual Studio 尋找您的命令處理程式並加以叫用,您必須確保 ColumnGuideCommandsPackage.cs 檔案中宣告的封裝 GUID(從專案專案範本產生)符合 .vsct 檔案中宣告的套件 GUID(從上方複製)。 如果您重複使用此範例程式代碼,您應該確定您有不同的 GUID,如此一來,您就不...
You can identify keyboard shortcuts for Visual Studio commands, customize those shortcuts, and export them for others to use. You can always find and change a keyboard shortcut in the Options dialog box. Make Visual Studio more accessible. Visual Studio has built-in accessibility features that ...
bar; baz; becomes foo; bar; baz; Is there an equivalent keyboard-shortcut for visual studio? Where can I find a list of such shortcuts for future reference? Edit:Is there a way to do fix just the horizontal indentation? There are some cases where theCTRLK,CtrlFis "fixing" ...
you realize that the indentation levels are inconsistent due to your original selection. You must now either go back to Visual Studio and do a box selection and copy that, or manually fix the indentation issue
Whenever i use my Tab key that usually add indentation to my code, now it's not working anymore. Instead of adding an indentation it just navigating through every single visual studio code element like bottom bar, back button, search input, vs code layout, elements of left sidebar etc. i...
For example, searching for 'prettify' in Feature Search today won't surface the correct setting 'format document'. But GitHub Copilot Chat can identify and explain the relevant items in Visual Studio. If your GitHub Copilot subscription is set up in Visual Studio, you can simply start typing...
Addresses Git Error after 17.1.4 update - Visual Studio Feedback providing the option to mark a git repository as safe via Visual Studio. Updates MinGit to version to address CVE - CVE-2022-29187 (, which exposed users to a vulnerability where navigating to a repository ...
"solidity.linter": "solium", "solidity.soliumRules": { "quotes": ["error", "double"], "indentation": ["error", 4] }, Formatting using Prettier and the Prettier Solidity Plugin Formatting is provided thanks to the Prettier plugin for Solidity for more info check and...
// 启用水平括号指导线 "editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": true, // 禁用高亮选中的缩进指导线 "editor.guides.indentation": false, // 禁用缩进指导线 "editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": true, // 颜色主题 // workbench "workbench.startupEditor": "none", // 在没有从上一个会话恢复出信...
Inspired by the suggestion Move lines up/down command should correct indentation.When using Alt+Up/Down arrow keys to move lines up and down in the editor, those lines will now indent correctly as they move. This is supported for C#, Visual Basic, and HTML....