切換工作清單快速鍵 Ctrl+K、Ctrl+H Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut 切換自動換行 Ctrl+E、Ctrl+W Edit.ToggleWordWrap 取消註解選取項目 Ctrl+K、Ctrl+U Edit.UncommentSelection 檢視底部 Ctrl+PgDn Edit.ViewBottom 檢視底部延伸 Ctrl+Shift+PgDn Edit.ViewBottomExtend 檢視頂端 Ctrl+PgUp Edit.ViewTop 檢視頂端延伸...
Top-Tip: These shortcuts also work in Zen Mode! Find, Global Find & Find and Replace You’ve probably already discovered the search shortcut Ctrl-F, but did you know Visual Studio Code has different types of find features built-in? Ctrl + F as mentioned above this shortcut will find ...
Alt-Enter:Show the properties panel for a selected object (this is general Windows shortcut that can be used on files and directories) F6 / Shift-F6 / Ctrl-Shift-B:Build solution / Build project / Build solution Shift-Alt-C:Add a new class to your project Ctrl-K +Ctrl-C:Comment a ...
The Quick Launch window shown below is a fast way to find Visual Studio commands, tools, features, and so on when you don't know the keyboard shortcut or menu location. Just type what you are looking for and Quick Launch will give you a link to it....
Visual Studio 2022 SDK 搜索 Microsoft.VisualStudio COWAIT_FLAGS ErrorHandler IEventHandler IVsService<T> IVsService<TService,TInterface> VisualStudioServices VisualStudioServices.VS2019_10Services VisualStudioServices.VS2019_11Services VisualStudioServices.VS2019_4Services ...
Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut CTRL + K、CTRL + H 在目前行設定或移除捷徑。 Edit.ToggleWordWrap CTRL + E、CTRL + W 啟用或停用編輯器中的自動換行。 Edit.UncommentSelection CTRL + K、CTRL + U 從目前的程式碼行移除註解語法。 Edit.UntabifySelectedLines ...
[ShortCut] Visual Studio快捷键 msdn官方快捷键说明:https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/da5kh0wa.aspx 测试工具: visual studio 2013 操作步骤: 1.功能键 F1:帮助,F2:文件重命名,F3:搜索下一个,F4:属性窗口,F5:运行, F6:停止调试/生成,F7:后台代码,F9:设置断点,F10:调试步入,F11:调试步进,F12...
You can open Document Outline by going to View > Other Windows > Document Outline or by using the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T. C++ Based on your feedback there is a new option “Navigation after Create Declaration/Definition” to allow you to choose the navigation behavior of the Create Declaration...
File—>Settings—> Keymap—>搜索increase或decrease 或—>双击Increase Font Size或Decrease Font Size—> 选择Add Mouse Shortcut —> Ctrl+ 鼠标滚轮上滑或下滑 批量修改变量名: 法一:选择变量 --> 右键 --> Refactor --> Rename --> 选择修改方式 --> Refactor 快捷键 Shift + F6 法二:Ctrl + ...
Visual Studio Shortcut Keys A free shortcut key reference guide for Visual Studio. Use it to make development easier and more productive. The most important shortcuts are dark, like so: Shortcut General Shortcuts ShortcutDescription Ctrl-X or Shift-Delete Cuts the currently selected item to ...