(Visual Studio 2022 17.11 版或更新版本提供)或Ctrl+K、Ctrl+/ [文本編輯器] Edit.ToggleLineComment 切換大綱展開 Ctrl+M、Ctrl+M [文本編輯器] Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion 取消批注選取 Ctrl+K、Ctrl+U [文本編輯器] Edit.UncommentSelection 恢復 Ctrl+Z或Alt+Backspace Edit.Undo Word delete to end ...
VisualStudio2010 方法/步骤 1 第一步、启动VS2010,在"工具"中选择“宏”,打开“宏IDE”2 第二步、打开后,右击MyMacros,选择“添加模块”,添加一个名为“HeadComment”的文件,点击添加。3 第三步、添加后将出现下面的编辑画面,在右边进行宏脚本添加 4 脚本内容,添加完毕后点击保存Sub AddFileComment() D...
GUIDS。 若要讓 Visual Studio 尋找您的命令處理程式並加以叫用,您必須確保 ColumnGuideCommandsPackage.cs 檔案中宣告的封裝 GUID(從專案專案範本產生)符合 .vsct 檔案中宣告的套件 GUID(從上方複製)。 如果您重複使用此範例程式代碼,您應該確定您有不同的 GUID,如此一來,您就不...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.LanguageService.11.0(在 Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.LanguageService.11.0.dll 中) 语法 C#复制 publicvirtualvoidCommentSelection() 备注 此方法获取从视图的当前选定内容并调用Source对象注释选定内容。 该基方法通过调用GetSelection方法获取当前选择,然后对Source对象的CommentSpan方法和最...
Visual Studio EditorManual scroll and selection are no longer difficult when a large numbers of errors are being added. We added a new variant of the "Blue" theme, which caters specifically to users who need more contrast in the Visual Studio Editor. This theme offers you more contrast than...
Get Started Developing with Visual Studio Writing Code Writing Code Finding and Replacing Text Encodings and Line Breaks Outlining Refactoring Productivity Tips Using IntelliSense Customizing the Editor Track Your Code by Customizing the Scrollbar
Additionally, Visual Studio 2010 SP1 contains the following improvement: Managed Code Analysis (FxCop) now installs on x64 TeamBuild servers. Crashes that occur with graph navigation are fixed. A scroll-bar UX issue inside the Architecture Explorer’s advanced selection menu is fixed. ...
DimendptAsTextPoint=selection.BottomPoint '在当前文档中打开Undo功能 DTE.UndoContext.Open("Comment Region") Try '在一行代码中如果出现一个注释尾"%>",则在它后面插入一个注释头"<%'" DimobjMovePtAsEditPoint DoWhilestart.FindPattern("%>", , objMovePt) ...
This is an extremely handy tool. You can highlight a block of text and comment or uncomment it. On theEditmenu, clickAdvanced, then either clickComment SelectionorUnComment Selection. Dragging Text Highlight the text you want to move, click and hold with your mouse, and then drag the text...
Even when a previous selection is not available Visual Studio now calculates the nearest geographical location and picks that by default. Publish profiles are now always listed alphabetically in the drop-down located at the top of the Publish summary page as well as the drop-down in the Visual...