While debugging or experimenting with code, you might want to comment blocks of code either temporarily or long term. To comment out an entire block of code: Select the code and selectToggle Line Comment(s)from the context menu OR Use thecmd + /key binding on the selected code. These met...
{ "key":"ctrl+shift+/", "command": "editor.action.blockComment", "when": "editorTextFocus" }, // 定制与 sublime 相同的大小写转换快捷键,需安装 TextTransform 插件 { "key": "ctrl+k ctrl+u", "command": "uppercase", "when": "editorTextFocus" }, { "key": "ctrl+k ctrl+l", ...
Ctrl+K P复制活动文件的路径 Copy path of active file Ctrl+K R显示资源管理器中的活动文件 Reveal active file in Explorer Ctrl+K O显示新窗口/实例中的活动文件 Show active file in new window/instance 显示Display 调试Debug 集成终端 Integrated terminal vscode: Visual Studio Code 常用快捷键 主命令框 ...
Visual Studio适用于 Windows 上 .NET 和 C++ 开发人员的最全面 IDE。 完整打包了一系列丰富的工具和功能,可提升和增强软件开发的每个阶段。了解更多 下载Visual Studio Visual Studio Code 在Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上运行的独立源代码编辑器。 JavaScript 和 Web 开发人员的最佳选择,具有几乎可支持任何编程...
Visual Studio for Mac makes it straightforward to select, cut, copy, and paste sections of your code. Rectangular blocks of code can be highlighted and selected by using the Option + Drag command on the code block. The formatting within this block selection is retained when pasting the block...
Unable to Move a Block of Code Up and Down After VS Update CMake cache generation on a remote Linux host fails on a ctest query Error in Azure DevOps pipelines with VSTest@2 Cannot add Apple account (VS 2022, Enterprise account) 📣 See the full list of all the user-reported bug fi...
Visual Studio Community 功能完备且可扩展的免费 IDE,可用于创建新式 Android、iOS、Windows 应用程序以及 Web 应用程序和云服务。 将您需要的一切汇集于一处 灵活性 可生成面向任何平台的应用 高效工作 将设计器、编辑器、调试器和探查器汇集于一个工具中...
学会用好 Visual Studio Code 发表于 2015年11月21日 Visual Studio Code是个牛逼的编辑器,启动非常快,完全可以用来代替其他文本文件编辑工具。又可以用来做开发,支持各种语言,相比其他IDE,轻量级完全可配置还集成Git感觉非常的适合前端开发,是微软亲生的想必TypeScript会支持的非常好。 所以我仔细研究了一下文档未来可...
overall distribution code base, it is more accurate to say that Visual Studio Code is "built" on open source, rather than "is" open source, because of these differences. More information on what each distribution includes can be found in theVisual Studio Code and 'Code - OSS' Differences...
It is easy to add code snippets to Visual Studio Code both for your own use or to share with others on the public Extension Marketplace. TextMate .tmSnippets files are supported.