"Just like git-bisect, but for VS Code extensions." The true power of Visual Studio Code is its extensions: theme extensions add colors and icons, language extensions enable smart code completion (IntelliSense) and navigation, debugger extensions enable you to run your code and easily find bugs...
Remote-SSH 允许您在熟悉的 Visual Studio Code 界面中轻松访问、编辑和传输文件到远程服务器或从远程服务器传输文件。您可以使用它来提高您的整体生产力,而不是简化您的工作流程。 您可以在远程计算机上运行命令、调试代码,甚至使用扩展,...
https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/ 网上百度到的一些visualstudiocode的extensions插件。 主题 Moonlight Nord Noctis Palenight Ayu GitHub Theme Material Theme 语言支持 C/C++ C++ Intellisense C/C++ Clang Command Adapter Markdown Markdown Preview Enhanced Python 代码神器 PlantUML vscode-icons Auto Close...
Color IDs can also be contributed by extensions through the color contribution point. These colors also appear when using code complete in the workbench.colorCustomizations settings and the color theme definition file. Users can see what colors an extension defines in the extension contributions tab....
An Old Hope Theme (theme,推荐,且推荐它的 classic theme,安装后在颜色选项里选择,该插件的定制见文末) Cobalt2 (theme) Dracula forVisual Studio Code(theme) markdownlint Go for Visual Studio Code (https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-go)
After you install Visual Studio Code, you need to install the extension for the Power Platform tools plug-in for Visual Studio Code.To install the Visual Studio Code extension:Open Visual Studio Code. Select Extensions from the left pane. Select the Settings icon from the top-right on the ...
One place for all extensions for Visual Studio, Azure DevOps Services, Azure DevOps Server and Visual Studio Code. Discover and install extensions and subscriptions to create the dev environment you need.
位置: C:\Users\Administrator\.vscode\extensions\robbowen.synthwave-vscode-0.1.5\themes 在synthwave-color-theme文件中, 搜索: italic 把fontStyle的值全部清空, 然后重启vscode 斜体注释就取消了! 5. 在vscode中,使用快捷键打开浏览器 预览html页面
theme-dark-monokai : Monokai Dark Soda : Monokai Light : 图标主题 vscode-icons:Icons : 主要推荐 material icon theme : 备选 功能插件 C# : VSCode 开发 C# 必备 C# FixFormat : 格式化代码,好用 C# Extensions : 提高开发效率的扩展工具 Bracket Pair Colorizer :对括号对进行着色,再也不会眼晕了。
Material Icon Theme组件为VS Code的不同文件类型添加了多种图标。˙这样能快速区分项目中不同的文件以便很大限度的节省时间! 其他权威的VSCode扩展组件(Node.js适用) 以下扩展组件没有排进前10名,但是对于Node.js开发人员来说,它们在某些场景中很有用!