Visual Studio 中具有C++元件的行動裝置開發包含遠端功能,可讓您在計算機與 Mac 之間同步處理工作。 當您的 Visual Studio 和 Mac 機器配對時,Visual Studio 中的 iOS 應用程式專案可以使用新的選項,您可以在 Xcode 中開啟專案、在 Xcode 和 Visual Studio 之間行動程式代碼,以及清除暫存的 Xcode 專案目錄。 若要...
When you sign in to Visual Studio on multiple computers using the same personalization account, your settings can be synchronized across the computers.Synchronized settingsBy default, the following settings are synchronized:Development settings. You select a collection of settings the first time you ...
Settings Sync lets you share your Visual Studio Code configurations such as settings, keybindings, and installed extensions across your machines so you are always working with your favorite setup. Note: VS Code does not synchronize your extensions to or from aremotewindow, such as when you're ...
CodeLens 其他語言的編輯器支援 檢視程式碼結構 使用工作清單 比較檔案 - 差異檢視 [類別設計工具] 改善您的程式碼 秘訣與訣竅 使用... 存取資料 >> 開發包容性應用程式 Build 偵錯>> Visual Studio 中的 Git 測試>> 測量效能 >> 分析程式碼品質 >> 部署>> 延伸Visual Studio >> 分析架構並製作架構模型 ...
These commands let you open your project in XCode, move local changes or the entire project between Visual Studio and XCode, and clean the temporary files on the remote machine.Open in XCodeTo open the project in XCode from Visual Studio, on the Remote Ma... how to install code tool without permission Follow this step, it will need the permission. How can… ...
Plans for the next version of Visual Studio include a solid foundation for parallelism, encompassing significant improvements for native and managed code alike, both in the core platform and in tooling support. Expressing Parallelism in Managed Code Consider the following problem statement: given a ...
Plans for the next version of Visual Studio include a solid foundation for parallelism, encompassing significant improvements for native and managed code alike, both in the core platform and in tooling support. Expressing Parallelism in Managed Code Consider the following problem statement: given a ...
Combines the "Collapse All" and "Sync with Active Document" into one command. Download Combines the "Collapse All" and "Sync with Active Document" into one command. This extension is the successor to "Solution Explorer Tools" Use this extension for Visual Studio 2012 and above and use Solutio...
Settings Sync lets you share your Visual Studio Code configurations such as settings, keybindings, and installed extensions across your machines so you are always working with your favorite setup. Note: VS Code does not synchronize your extensions to or from aremotewindow, such as when you're ...