Visual Studio Keymap Clipboard History vim (or vscodevim)Vim mode for Visual Studio Code, (自定义的配置如下:配置完了重启才会生效 ) "vim.leader":"","vim.cmdLineInitialColon":true,"vim.history":150,"vim.hlsearch":true,"vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [ {"befo...
visualstudiocode的必装推荐插件plugin,vscode,vsc ,且推荐它的 classic 推荐,且推荐它的 An Old Hope Theme (theme, 推荐 theme,安装后在颜⾊选项⾥选择,该插件的定制见⽂末) Cobalt2 (theme)Dracula for (theme)markdownlint Go for Visual Studio Code (
配置一个新的命令:打开一个提示弹窗,显示当前时间 用显示警告信息的VS Code API替换原本的vscode.window.showInformationMessage 调试插件 VS Code 内置的调试功能已经非常方便了,在代码序号的左侧空白处点击一下,VS Code 就会设下断点,进入调试模式后将鼠标悬停于变量上显示变量值,或是在调试侧边栏中检查变量值,此时...
Visual Studio Code redefines AI-powered coding with GitHub Copilot for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, macOS, and Windows.
Visual Studio Code plugin project main file 1.package.json This is the basic configuration file, which contains the Visual Studio Code version supported by the plugin, as well as related command bindings. 2.src/extension.ts This is the main logic file of the plugin. You can use it to resp...
下面小编将介绍30个可以极大提高开发效率的Visual Studio Code的插件。01.Material主题 Visual Studio Code史诗级的主题!项目地址: Equinusocio.vsc-material-theme 02.自动补全(Auto Import)自动去查找、分析、然后提供代码补全。适用于TypeScript和TSX。项目地址...
Description: Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes filenames.文件路径自动补全!!Download:557...
Visual Studio Code 最悠久的主题! 2、Auto Import 下载量:46 万 自动去查找、分析、然后提供代码补全。对于 TypeScript 和 TSX,可以适用。 3、Import Cost 下载量:41 万 该插件会在行尾显示导入的包的大小。为了计算包大小,该插件要使用 Webpack 和 babili-webpack-plugin。
A Visual Studio Code plugin to helps you to compress commonly used image formats faster and better. The following common image formats are supported: JPG/JPEG PNG WebP SVG GIF SVGA Partial function implementation based on: tinypng SVGO Introduce Beginning Compress Saved Error Notes: Please make...
在搜索结果中找到CodeGeeX并点击Install(安装)。 HBuilderX 打开HBuilderX,点击工具插件安装按钮。 选择前往插件市场安装。 在搜索框中输入“CodeGeeX”。 在搜索结果中点击下载。 插件下载地址汇总 VSCode:Visual Studio Marketplace JetBrains IDEs:JetBrains Plugin Repository ...