Java : Platform for PlantUML running. Graphviz : PlantUML requires it to calculate positions in diagram. Graphviz Extension Graphviz (dot) language support for Visual Studio Code joaompinto.vscode-graphviz-0.0.6.vsix Gr...
Xmind:.xmind PlantUml:.puml,.pu,.plantuml Windows Reg:.reg 结语 VS Code插件已经成为VS C...
Rich PlantUML support for Visual Studio Code. Notice The server render is now very recommended by this extension, since it's much faster and much easier to setup, while the major weakness has been improved: Enables POST method, you can now render very-large diagrams The extension comes with...
Rich PlantUML support for Visual Studio Code. Donate by Paypal | Donate by AliPay | PlantUML Document Notice 1 Don't know what language id is? You can safely ignore this notice The language id of this extension contributed, has been change to plantuml, due to #306. If you've made ...
1 碰到的问题 visual studio code 找到plantuml,安装之后,使用ALT+D,plantuml preview没有反应 找了一些教材,安装了grahpviz,并且将路径加到环境变量中,也没用 最后,仔细阅读visual studio code中的plantuml的说明,提示使用plantuml必须安装java(因为plantuml是用的java)和graphviz ...
设置Visual Studio Code PlantUML 扩展,文件-》首选项-》设置-》用户-》扩展-》PlantUML 配置,Render 属性设置为 PlantUMLServer,Server 属性设置为官方的 地址; 重启Visual Studio Code 新建文件,输入测试代码,光标在测试代码块内时,Ctrl + D 即可预览代码对应的 UML 图 ...
One place for all extensions for Visual Studio, Azure DevOps Services, Azure DevOps Server and Visual Studio Code. Discover and install extensions and subscriptions to create the dev environment you need.
PlantUML语法参考 Latax语法参考 VSC配置 最终我使用了Visual Studio Code,点击这里下载。安装后,还需要在VSC的Extension中安装一些插件来丰富这些功能,目前安装的包括: Markdown All In One——主要的Markdown增强插件,该插件已经实现了上述#a,#...
PlantUML可以很方便的集成在其他的IDE工具中,在这里,我们使用VS Code来集成PlantUML。 安装VS Code 默认已经安装VS Code。 安装扩展应用 在VS Code扩展中搜索plantuml,并安装。 在PlantUML扩展的说明中,可以看到,扩展应用支持多种类型的文件。 安装Graphviz ...
Java Extension Pack 4.9M Microsoft Popular extensions for Java development and more. FREE Material Icon Theme 4.8M Philipp Kief Material Design Icons for Visual Studio Code FREE Code Runner 4.5M Jun Han Run C, C++, Java, JS, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, Go, Lua, Groovy, PowerShell, CMD, ...