go to launch.json file and you will see "program":"C:\...\build\debug\outDebug", change this as: "program": ""${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe" this solution worked for me. I'm using windows 11 and installed msys2 as vscode's own page recommended. also...
1> [DebugAdapter] <-- R (launch-2) [39 ms]: {"type":"response","request_seq":2,"success":false,"command":"launch","message":"launch: program '' does not exist.","seq":5} 1> ERROR: Unexpected error AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. Aggregate exception: DebugAdapter...
Visual Studio Code 是轻量级但功能强大的源代码编辑器,可在桌面上运行,适用于 Windows、macOS 和 Linux。 它随附了对 JavaScript、TypeScript 和 Node.js 的内置支持,并具有适用于其他语言和运行时(例如 C++、C#、Java、Python、PHP、Go、.NET)的扩展的丰富生态系统。
E_DOCKER_MSVSMON_LAUNCH_FAILED -2147218125 無法在 Docker Windows 容器中啟動 Visual Studio 遠端偵錯工具 (MSVSMON.EXE) 。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱輸出視窗。E_DOCKER_NOT_FOUND -2147218120 無法執行 『docker.exe』。 確認已安裝 Docker CLI,而且可以位於 PATH 中。
Visual Studio Code compile error - launch.json must be configured...,一、在最初使用VSCode创建控制台应用时,使用VSCode调试工具默认会跑出异常:launch:program'launch:launch.jsonmustbeconfigured.Change'program'tothepathtotheexecutable
试用Visual Studio Code for web Azure 部署 部署到云从未如此简单。 我们提供常见应用程序类型和本地仿真器所需的所有模板。 而且你可以直接在 Visual Studio 中预配依赖项,如 Azure SQL 数据库和 Azure 存储帐户。 你甚至可以使用直接连接到应用程序的远程调试器快速诊断任何问题。
them as well. To create new shortcuts, type "Keyboard" in Quick Launch to open the Keyboard dialog box. From there, you can press F1 to go to the MSDN help page if you need more information about the options. For more information, seeDefault Keyboard Shortcuts in Visual Studio. ...
How to Integrate Chat Gpt for Visual Studio 2022 Hello I am using Visual Studio 2022 Community application. I want to receive smart suggestions, improvements, optimization suggestions with Chat Gpt while I am writing code. How can I integrate Chat Gpt for this? Thank you. ...
I am trying to make a task, to start the Android emulator when I start Visual Studio 2022 I made this script And this opens the emulator fine But how can I make this script launch when I open VS 2022 Visual Studio Visual Studio
If you didn’t install it when you first installed Visual Studio 2017, go to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer, launch vs_Installer.exe, click the Modify button and select that workload at the bottom of the list. Create a new VSIX project using the ...