我们在Visual Studio中使用Git拉取代码是或许会遇到Git failed with a fatal error. Authentication failed for XXX问题,这时我们可以先打开Visual Studio的安装路径下的Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\Git文件夹,我们会发现里面有Visual Studio自带的git安装文件,我们需要将这自带的git...
1、如提示源码已在TFS管控的,打开解决方案后去设置中修改为Git。 2、首次同步的,必须使用删除服务器端的地址,进入首次同步的界面,否则推送跟服务器结构不一致是无法推送的。 3、注意:你登录http://code.aliyun.com的帐号可以是ali的帐号,但是Code是有独立的密码的。如果你忘记了密码,需要在Profile---Password中...
The Debugger supports VSTS and GitHub Authentication for Source Link. IntelliTrace's step-back debugging feature is supported for debugging .NET Core projects. We added IntelliTrace support for taking snapshots on exceptions. We removed the blocking modal dialog from branch checkouts in Git when a...
Update MinGit to v2.45.2.1 that includes GCM 2.5 which addresses an issue with the previous GCM version where it reported an error back to Git after cloning and made it appear like the clone had failed. Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.63 released June 11th, 2024 Issues Addressed in this re...
Update MinGit to v2.45.2.1 that includes GCM 2.5 which addresses an issue with the previous GCM version where it reported an error back to Git after cloning and made it appear like the clone had failed. Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.63 released June 11th, 2024 Issues Addressed in this re...
Visual Studio A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices. 5,335 questions 2 answers Git Functionality in Visual Studio 2022 Not Updating Status When performing Git operations in Visual Studio 2022, such as committing...
We fixed an issue where Git integration on Visual Studio for Mac is not working. We fixed an issue where deleting a file from project rolls back messing up the Source control. We fixed an issue where openinig a project or switching branches on console does not always update the current br...
Copy Git link 📣 You can get a GitHub or Azure DevOps link to a specific line of code to make it easy to share with your colleagues. Whenever you share a few lines of code with a colleague, it can often be useful for them to get extra context from your repository. However, if...