This whole workflow works for VSCode users only so not everyone will get to take apart of the magic. However, at the end of it all, it's just a container for development environments and they have the Dockerfile. They can still build and run that via the techniques above! From here yo...
Docker 和 Visual Studio Code 可透過 Dev Containers 延伸模組,讓您進行容器化開發。 Dev Containers 延伸模組 Visual Studio Code 的Dev Containers 延伸模組可讓您使用容器作為功能完整的開發環境。 您可以使用此延伸模組開啟容器中的任何資料夾或存放庫,利用 Visual Studio Code 的完整功能集,例如 I...
devcontainer.json 基本上是一个配置文件,该文件确定如何构建和启动 dev 容器。 代码语言:javascript 复制 {"name":"Node.js Sample","dockerFile":"Dockerfile","appPort":3000,"extensions":["dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"],"settings":{"":"/bin/bash"},"postCreateCommand":"ya...
Remote - Containers Docker version 17.12.0 or later required. 一头雾水,docker版本20了都,可能的理解就是它没找到docker。可是信息有限,好在开源项目有issue,作者介绍了debug的办法,适用于进一步调试。 Whenyou see this, could you click Cancelandthencheckthe dev containerlog(F1>Remote-Containers:ShowContain...
在Visual Studio Code 中打开项目文件夹。 Visual Studio Code检测到新文件并打开一个消息框,指出“文件夹包含开发容器配置文件。 重新打开文件夹以在容器中开发。”选择“在容器中重新打开”按钮,重新打开由 .devcontainer/Dockerfile 文件创建的容器中的文件夹。 中的标题栏Visual Studio Code更改,以显示你在容器中...
dotnetpublish -p PublishProfile=DefaultContainer 命令会为您的应用程序生成一个工作容器映像。它具有开箱即用的安全默认设置,并允许用户自定义生成容器的所有方面。 然而,将这些生成的容器集成到工具中一直存在障碍。Visual Studio Code 新版本的 Docker 工具弥补了这一点,通过 Visual Studio Code 中的启动配置机制,对...
Once Docker is running, you can confirm that everything is working by opening anewterminal window and typing the command: docker --version# Docker version 18.09.2, build 6247962 Install the extension The Dev Containers extension lets you run Visual Studio Code inside a Docker container. ...
Install the Visual Studio Code Dev Containers extension. Load and connect to a project in a Docker container. Access ports in the container from your local machine. Customize settings while working with your container. Add software to the container environment. ... 开始讨论 来源:微软博客 源文链接:
The articles in this section cover advanced container configuration when working with the Visual Studio Code Dev Containers extension.Working with containersThe Visual Studio Code Dev Containers extension lets you use a Docker container as a full-featured development environment. It allows you to open ...