當使用程式碼度量時,其中一個最不瞭解的概念似乎是環路複雜度。 基本上,使用旋形複雜度,較高的數位是壞的,而較低的數位是好的。 您可以使用環路複雜度來理解任何給定程式碼的測試、維護或疑難排解的難易程度,並了解程式碼出現錯誤的可能性。 概括而言,我們透過計算原始程式碼中所做的決策數目來判斷循環複雜度的...
了解如何在 Visual Studio 中產生程式碼度量資料。 請參閱如何使用方案總管、規則集檔案、命令列或功能表命令。
博客搬到了fresky.github.io - Dawei XU,请各位看官挪步。最新的一篇是:推荐一个可以直接在Visual Studio中看到complexity的插件CodeMaid。
代码度量(Code Metrics)是用来测量专业标准的软件特性. 在某些方面,它提供了量化的有用反馈给开发者. 查看代码度量值很简单:在项目或解决方案上按右键,选择"Calculate Code Metrics". 以下是一些类似的结果: 结果窗口中有五个不同的度量特性:圈复杂度(Cyclomatic Complexity), 继承深度(Depth of Inheritance), 类耦...
If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here The increased complexity of modern software applications also increases the difficulty of making the code reliable and ...
This article covers troubleshooting tips and tricks for each of the Visual Studio CodeRemote Developmentextensions. See theSSH,Containers, andWSLarticles for details on setting up and working with each specific extension. Or try the introductoryTutorialsto help get you running quickly in a remote env...
During the course of this tutorial, you learned how to create a Python project, create a virtual environment, run and debug your Python code, and install Python packages. Explore additional resources to learn how to get the most out of Python in Visual Studio Code!
Managed Extensions for C++ have a few more tools and options than programmers working in other Microsoft® .NET languages—but this power comes at a price. As with traditional C++ code, there is more complexity and a heavier syntactical burden for tasks that are often easy in other languages...
In some cases, the calculation of the cyclomatic complexity for a method in Visual Studio 2010 differs from earlier versions. For more information, see the "Changes in Visual Studio 2010 code complexity calculations section" ofTroubleshooting Code Metrics Issues. ...
Explore the cyclomatic complexity metric for code metrics in Visual Studio and estimate the difficulty to test, maintain, and troubleshoot your code.