软件:visual studio code 方法/步骤 1 点击查看下面的终端 2 点击下拉框 3 选择设置默认的shell 4 选择cmd 5 接着点击加号按钮 6 最后就有cmd的选项了
选择命令提示符 (cmd.exe) 单击shell Pane 中的“删除”图标可删除现有终端。 按Ctrl+`(或菜单中的菜单查看→终端)打开新的终端 Pane .
%comspec% /k "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" 自Visual Studio 2015 以来,开发人员命令提示符设置 VSCMD_VER 环境变量,其中包含 Visual Studio 的版本信息(例如:17.9.0)。 如果需要检测开发人员命令提示符是否已在控制台中运行,建议检查是否已定义 VSCMD...
Switch focus between the Terminal and the Editor in VS Code Run VS Code or the VS Code Terminal as an Administrator How to Change the Integrated Terminal Colors in VS Code Move the Sidebar or Terminal to the Right in VS Code VS Code: Open terminal in directory of currently opened file VS...
在Visual Studio Code 中,选择“文件”>“打开文件夹”。 在选择的位置中创建名为DotNetDebugging的新文件夹。 然后选择“选择文件夹”。 从主菜单中选择“视图”>“终端”,以便从 Visual Studio Code 中打开集成终端。 在终端窗口中,复制粘贴以下命令: ...
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.68 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.67 Show 73 more Developer Community | System Requirements | Compatibility | Distributable Code | License Terms | Blogs | Known Issues Note This is not the latest version of Visual Studio. To download the latest release, plea...
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, \"Droid Sans Mono\", \"Courier New\", monospace, \"Droid Sans Fallback\"", //--- 外部终端配置 --- // Customizes which terminal to run on Windows. "terminal.external.windowsExec": "cmd", // Customizes which terminal to...
To handle terminal input while debugging, you can use the integrated terminal (one of the Visual Studio Code windows) or an external terminal. For this tutorial, you use the integrated terminal. Open.vscode/launch.json. Change theconsolesetting tointegratedTerminalfrom: ...