解决方案: 需要修改C:\Users\你的用户名\.vscode\extensions\jmrog.vscode-nuget-package-manager-1.1.6\out\src\actions\add-methods 下的fetchPackageVersions.js `${versionsUrl}${selectedPackageName}/index.json` ==> `${versionsUrl}${selectedPackageName.toLowerCase()}/index.json`...
安装插件NuGet Package Manager(推荐,方便搜索,安装Nuget包) (推荐) Search the NuGet package repository for packages using either (partial or full) package name or another search term. Add PackageReference dependencies to your .NET Core 1.1+ .csproj or .fsproj files from Visual Studio Code's Comm...
通过Microsoft Visual Studio for Windows 中的 NuGet 包管理器 UI,可轻松安装、卸载和更新项目和解决方案中的 NuGet 包。 本文仅适用于 Windows 用户。 如果使用的是 Visual Studio for Mac,请参阅在项目中包括 NuGet 包。 先决条件 使用任意安装 Visual Studio 2022 for Windows。与 NET 相关的工作负荷。
Note: At this time, you cannot right-click on projects to manage your NuGet packages and there is not a NuGet Package Manager user interface in Visual Studio Code. For more information on managing packages, seeInstall and manage NuGet packages with the dotnet CLI. ...
从Visual Studio 中,依次选择“工具>”“NuGet 包管理器>”“包管理器控制台” 包管理器控制台打开后,验证“默认项目”下拉列表中是否显示在程序包中要安装的项目。 如果解决方案中只有一个项目,则会预选该项目。 在控制台提示下,输入Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json命令。 有关此命令的详细信息,请参阅Install-...
选择NuGet Package Manager:Add Package, 回车,输入NodaTime , 选择版本后提示添加成功,打开HelloWorld.Web.csproj 文件可以看到NodaTime已经添加到工程中 打开HomeController 文件,加入下述代码: 在Views\Home\Index.cshtml 加入下面代码 练习3:使用 Visual Studio Code和 Omnisharp 调试 c# 代码 ...
安装好Visual Studio Code 之后,需要安装下面插件 1. C# 扩展http://www.omnisharp.net/ 2. 安装vscode-nuget-package-manager 您可以在Visual Studio Code中界面安装这些扩展(选择菜单查看-扩展), 也可以使用 Ctrl + P, 然后输入 ext install vscode-nuget-package-manager或 ext install csharp...
Visual Studio allows you to use a common version for your NuGet packages. To do so, use the Consolidate tab of the NuGet Package Manager window to discover where packages with distinct version numbers are used by different projects in the solution....
To find and install a NuGet package with Visual Studio, follow these steps:Load a project in Solution Explorer, and then select Project > Manage NuGet Packages. The NuGet Package Manager window opens. Select the Browse tab to display packages by popularity from the currently selected source (...
Review current release notes/known issues on theNuGet Docs site, including details and solution for about acommon upgrade failure(Visual Studio 2010 SP1Hotfix available) NuGet 2.8.3 NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including .NET. The NuGet client tools provide...