Visual Studio 可讓您輕鬆地從 IDE 複製存放庫。 您可以從遠端與您選擇的 Git 提供者合作,例如 GitHub 或 Azure DevOps。 如果您需要建立新的存放庫,而不是複製現有的存放庫,請參閱從Visual Studio 建立存放庫。必要條件若要遵循這篇文章,您需要:已安裝 Visual Studio GitHub 使用者帳戶...
了解使用 Visual Studio Code 将公共存储库从 GitHub 克隆到本地计算机的步骤。 打开远程存储库 在本地计算机上打开远程存储库。 活动栏 状态栏 命令面板 集成终端 安装远程存储库扩展 选择Visual Studio Code 左下角的远程指示器。 按提示操作。 Visual Studio Code 使用操作系统(如 macOS ...
与 git clone 命令不同,在团队资源管理器中创建克隆时,Visual Studio 不会自动创建具有存储库名称的新子文件夹。 准备就绪后,请选择“克隆”。 克隆完成后,Visual Studio 会打开存储库的“Git 更改”窗格。 还可以在解决方案资源管理器中看到包含克隆存储库文件的文件夹。
Update MinGit to v2.45.2.1 that includes GCM 2.5 which addresses an issue with the previous GCM version where it reported an error back to Git after cloning and made it appear like the clone had failed. Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.63 released June 11th, 2024 Issues Addressed in this re...
1.首先到Visual Studio Online官网注册一个账户信息。接着就可以在Visual Studio Online上建立一个Private Respository来作为版本控制的单元。 创建成功后,这时我们需要Visual Studio Online的界面中,取得这个新Repository的URL,作为后续的Clone Repository到本地电脑的参数。
Update MinGit to v2.45.2.1 that includes GCM 2.5 which addresses an issue with the previous GCM version where it reported an error back to Git after cloning and made it appear like the clone had failed. Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.63 released June 11th, 2024 Issues Addressed in this re...
visual studio2015从git上clone(克隆)项目 本文介绍Visual Studio2015从git上clone项目代码的步骤。 1、打开VS2015,进到起始页,打开“团队资源管理器”,如下图: 2、点击“克隆”按钮,输入git项目的url地址,以及你要保存克隆下来的项目的本地目录,如下图:...
[severity:It’s more difficult to complete my work] On one of our Azure Virtual Desktops, we have installed visual studio 2022. From visual studio 2022, we are trying to clone a repository from Azure Devops. We are able to view the repositories from Azure Devops, ...
Visual Studio for Mac makes it easy to clone a repository right from the IDE. You can work remotely with the Git provider of your choice, such as GitHub or Azure DevOps.To clone a repository from GitHub: On the home page of the GitHub repo, click the Code button and choose the Open...