免費下載 Visual Studio IDE 或 VS Code。 在 Windows、Mac 上試用 Visual Studio Professional 或 Enterprise 版本。
Download Visual Studio IDE or VS Code for free. Try out Visual Studio Professional or Enterprise editions on Windows, Mac.
I have a question with off line installation of visual studio tools regarding workloads packages with C++ and all the other things for compiling with C++. I had an offline isntalaltion that I installed from my Command Prompt, I created a layout and then
https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/zh-hans/downloads/ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/install/create-an-offline-installation-of-visual-studio?view=vs-2019 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/install/workload-component-id-vs-community?view=vs-2019&preserve-view=true...
Learn how to install Visual Studio offline when you have an unreliable internet connection or low bandwidth.
要离线安装Visual Studio C++ build tools在Windows 10上,您需要遵循以下步骤。首先,您需要下载Visual C++ Build Tools的ISO文件。提取码:ka7q。下载完成后,解压缩文件并双击"VisualCppBuildTools_Full.exe"文件以启动安装程序。打开安装程序后,您将看到默认配置选项。选择此选项即可继续。默认配置通常...
This install the packages and shows the Visual Studio Installer GUI (I’m running from RDC). But when I view the installed workload (VS Buildtools) in the Visual Studio Installer it seem it still tries to download the mentioned packages and shows them as ...
To install these components by using the manual installer, download and run the Build Tools for Visual Studio. Azure development build tools ID: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.AzureBuildTools Description: MSBuild tasks and targets for building Azure applications. Components included by this workload ...
提取码:ka7q 下载后是一个.iso的文件,用压缩文件打开,双击 VisualCppBuildTools_Full.exe文件安装 选择默认配置进行安装即可
最後,請參閱Visual Studio 支援外元件頁面,以取得已轉換為支援不足狀態且現在被視為不安全的元件清單。 建議您在下一次更新期間移除它們。 若要使用手動安裝程式來安裝這些元件,請下載並執行適用於 Visual Studio 的建置工具。 Azure 開發建置工具 識別碼:Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.AzureBuildTools 描述:用於...