OBS Studio requires updated Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributables. Please runbothof these installers in order to continue: Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable [64 bit] - vc_redist.x64.exe Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable [32 bit] - vc_redist.x86.exe ...
Environment: Visual Studio Professional 2022 Version 17.10.2 Reproduction Steps Try to set the .Net Framework as target platform in the options dialog of an C# dll. Expected behavior Expect, that the Visual Studio shows the Framework 8.0 as an option in target platform for an existing C# dll ...
As ferramentas e serviços de desenvolvimento do Visual Studio facilitam o desenvolvimento de aplicativos para qualquer desenvolvedor, em qualquer plataforma e linguagem. Desenvolva gratuitamente com o nosso editor de código ou IDE em qualquer lugar.
Visual Studio 核心編輯器 (隨附於 Visual Studio Professional 2022) 標識碼: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.CoreEditor 描述: Visual Studio 核心殼層體驗,包括語法感知程式碼編輯、原始程式碼控制項和工作專案管理。 此工作負載所包含的元件 展開表格 元件識別碼名字版本相依性類型 Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component...
The Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2022 doesn't have separate packages for different languages. It contains EULAs for all supported languages. Some of the downloads that are mentioned in this article are currently available onmy.visualstudio.com. Log in using a Visual Studio ...
The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable and the Visual Studio C++ Runtime (collectively, "VC Runtime") are critical components of many applications. Across your network, machines may still be running applications that install and use an out-of-support version of the VC Runtime. You can use ...
Visual Studio includes a collection of compilers, languages, runtimes, environments, and other resources or tools that enable development for many platforms. As a convenience to Visual Studio customers, the components in the list below may be installed with Visual Studio and are subject to their ow...
Visual Studio 2022 Visual Studio IDE 是一个创意启动板,可用于编辑、调试和生成代码,然后发布应用。除了大多数 IDE 都提供的标准编辑器和调试器之外,Visual Studio 还包括编译器、代码补全工具、图形设计器以及许多其他功能,以增强软件开发过程。 更快地编写代码 ...
Visual-C-Runtimes-All-in-One-Nov-2024.zip MD5 / SHA1 / SHA256 Checksum Show older versions Get Notified Receive an E-Mail when this download is updated. Downloaded:13,743,011 times (1,203.7 TB) This archive contains the latest version (Nov 2024) of all VCRedist Visual Studio C++ runti...
Visual Studio Roadmap Release Rhythm What's New In Visual Studio Docs Visual Studio 2022 Visual Studio 2019 Visual Studio 2017 Current Release Notes Distributable Code Platform Compatibility System Requirements Product Lifecycle and Servicing Release and Build History ...