1、拷贝本Git项目中本目录中的【GetVsDbg.sh】文件到linux服务上的目录【/root/.vs-debugger】2、执行命令:cd /root/.vs-debugger/3、执行命令:/bin/sh /root/.vs-debugger/GetVsDbg.sh -v vs2022 -l /root/.vs-debugger/vs2022 -a /remote_debugger4、上述命令执行结果中,会打印一句:VSRemoteDebugger...
visual studio 2022 use gdb to remotely debug Linux programs Under Review2 0Votes 海于海程 于 -Reported Nov 02, 2023 9:31 PM I don’t know why this issue is happening,Currently, the WSL debugging mode is selected,Using ssh to connect to Ubuntu 22.04 and centos7 in ...
1> CMake generation started for configuration: 'linux-debug'. 1> CMake executable could not be found: cmake does not exist or is not a regular file. The remote system does not have CMake 3.8 or greater. An infobar to automatically deploy CMake to the remote syst...
In this article, you explore how to configure your Visual Studio installation to support debugging Python code on remote Linux computers. This walkthrough is based on Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6. Visual Studio can launch and debug Python applications locally and remotely on a Windows computer....
Linux端 cmake版本最低为3.11,可以从此网站下载:https://cmake.org/files/v3.11/ 之前安装的visual studio是2019版本,研究了一天发现只能连接ssh做非cmake工程的开发。要连接远程cmake工程的话要安装2022版本(2019不能用,我直接试的2022版本)。 安装的时候选择以下两项即可。
当前的 VisualStudio 2022 不能和在 Windows 一样,在 Linux 上一键进入构建且调试。只好通过远程调试的方式进行附加,而附加进程时,可能所需调试的是应用启动过程的逻辑,这将导致调试附加过去时,应用已经跑过了启动逻辑,导致无法进行调试 尽管编写一个 VisualStudio 插件可以很好的解决此问题,然而现在我没有那么有空,...
添加一个连接,连接到 Linux 开发主机。 项目配置 如果使用的空项目进行创建,需要在项目上右键选择属性进入配置界面,修改如图 “配置类型”为 “生成文件” 。 选择“远程生成计算机” 为目标开发主机。 “远程副本包含目录” 输入要包含的头文件目录。 点击OK 之后,等待片刻,VS 会自动去下载包含的目录到 “C:\Use...
then you may need to occasionally debug code running on Linux or macOS. Rather than switching platforms and using GDB or LLDB from the command line, you can use Visual Studio to remote debug processes running on Linux and macOS. Visual Studio’s remote C++ support assumes that your so...
我使用过 c++ 远程 linux,但我想在 Raspberry Pi 5 或 Linux 上对 dotnet core 做同样的事情?我想在 Windows VS2022 上编写代码,然后复制到目标机器,运行和调试。 Note:此问题总结整理于: How to select or use Visual Studio 2022 on Windows project to remotely copy and run dotnet code on Linux(arm...