通过Microsoft Visual Studio for Windows 中的 NuGet 包管理器 UI,可轻松安装、卸载和更新项目和解决方案中的 NuGet 包。 本文仅适用于 Windows 用户。 如果使用的是 Visual Studio for Mac,请参阅在项目中包括 NuGet 包。 先决条件 使用任意安装 Visual Studio 2022 for Windows。与 NET 相关的工作负荷。
Create a new .NET project and work with package dependencies - Training Create a .NET project and learn to add packages and manage package dependencies in your project. Use the .NET Core CLI and NuGet registry to add libraries and tools to your C# applications through Visual Studio...
For Visual Studio 2015, if you're missing the NuGet Package Manager, check Tools > Extensions and Updates and search for the NuGet Package Manager extension. If you're unable to use the extensions installer in Visual Studio, download the extension directly from https://dist.nuget.org/index...
In Visual Studio for Mac, navigate to Visual Studio > Preferences > NuGet > Sources to view and edit the list of package sources. Sources can be a remote server (specified by a URL) or a local directory.Select Add to set up a new source. Enter a friendly Name and Location (the URL...
please go to Tools -> Options -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Sources in Visual Studio and look for the package source. Please try accessing the URL specified for the source in your browser from the same computer you’re trying to install your package to make sure it...
今天学习视频教程的时候发现,视频教程中的Visual Studio 2017菜单栏工具下有一个NuGet包管理器,但发现...
解决方案: 需要修改C:\Users\你的用户名\.vscode\extensions\jmrog.vscode-nuget-package-manager-1.1.6\out\src\actions\add-methods 下的fetchPackageVersions.js `${versionsUrl}${selectedPackageName}/index.json` ==> `${versionsUrl}${selectedPackageName.toLowerCase()}/index.json`...
Review current release notes/known issues on theNuGet Docs site, including details and solution for about acommon upgrade failure(Visual Studio 2010 SP1Hotfix available) NuGet 2.8.3 NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including .NET. The NuGet client tools provide...
Review current release notes/known issues on theNuGet Docs site, including details and solution for about acommon upgrade failure(Visual Studio 2010 SP1Hotfix available) NuGet 2.8.3 NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including .NET. The NuGet client tools provide...
Package Manager Console error - PowerShell version 2.0 is not supported. Please upgrade PowerShell to 3.0 or greater and restart Visual Studio. 操作系统为WIN7,从内容看,需要将PowerShell升级到3.0及以上版本才可以,经过查找,发现需要通过升级Windows Management Framework版本来升级PowerShell,下面是微软官方的...