Nov 20, 2022, 3:35 AM Can someone help me? I am getting this warning when I try to install .NET development for visual studio 2022 : Couldn't install Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community.Shared.Msi Visual Studio Visual Studio A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for build...
Visual Studio Setup Visual Studio:A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices.Setup:The procedures involved in preparing a software program or application to operate within a computer or mobile device. Hi@Rost...
目测应该是你的网络问题,因为Visual Studio Installer需要连网,你的截图里面:试试刷新一下dns或者使用科...
第一次下载visual studio 2022,创建新项目,选择控制台应用,点击运行后,显示“发生生成错误,是否继续并运行上次的成功生成”,这个是什么原因导致的? 全部回复 (1) 2022年3月23日星期三 上午10:08 Hi miemie_2, 请问你的VS2022是最新的版本吗?如果不是, 建议你更新到最新的版本:打开...
I started to have some issues with Visual Studio 2022 Professional that I have been using for almost 2 years now. After rebooting, I was still having some issues. I decided to try to do a “repair” which opens up the Visual Studio Installer which gives me this ...
Error 0x80131522: Unhandled exception System.TypeLoadException encountered determining install operation result - Could not load type ‘Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities.Internal.ReparsePointAware’ from assembly ‘Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities.Internal, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicK...
因为误删除了C盘下一个与VisualStudio有关的文件夹,导致了"Visual studio installer"失效,既无法卸载,也没法新添所需的.NET组件。原想着像以前VS 2015出了问题,就去装更高版本的VS 2019来解决问题,然而这回在装了VS 2022后问题并没有被解决。 于是现有:VS2015、VS2019、VS2022,全都用不了,卸不掉。
直接复制日志里的,下载,发现成功下载,然后放到installer安装器同级目录,重新打开setup安装,就成功了打开了,然后会一直正在准备中,这时, 补充:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio,这个路径下的packages也要删除。
我目前在尝试使用installer下载 Visual Studio 时面临挑战。尽管尝试了在线找到的各种解决方案,但我无法解决问题。似乎每当我选择下载 Visual Studio 的选项时,installer都会突然关闭而不启动下载过程。 如果有人遇到类似问题或已成功解决,我将不胜感激您能提供的任何帮助或指导。您的见解和建议对于帮助我解决这一障碍将是...