Please allow developers to fully handle a GitHub Pull Requests(like Azure ADO Code Reviews) from within Visual Studio 2022. Reviewing, Commenting, and/or Approve/Declining a Pull Request should be allowed to be handled inside of Visual Studio 2022 like 2019 allowed. I want to be able ...
Pull requests 299 Discussions Actions Projects 1 Security Insights New issue Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.Professional version 17.10.1 #155617 Merged microsoft-github-policy-service merged 1 commit into microsoft:master from edwardskrod:Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.Professional-17.10.1-fc9658c3-789...
With the latest update, you can now add new comments to pull request files on the checked-out branch. This was a top request for the pull request experience and is the latest in a series of improvements to the pull request experience in Visual Studio. Get Started Enable the feature flags...
microsoft-github-policy-servicemerged 1 commit intomicrosoft:masterfromedwardskrod:Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.Professional-17.10.2-6bc0b7b9-c1ad-4448-a2a6-6e8d49faef71 Jun 11, 2024 +120−0 Member edwardskrodcommentedJun 11, 2024•
GitHub Copilot 的管理员控件 IntelliCode 开发 构建 调试>> Visual Studio 中的 Git 关于Visual Studio 中的 Git 入门 克隆存储库 创建存储库 Git 设置和首选项 Innerloop 工作流 创建分支 进行提交 暂存代码行 推送到远程 创建拉取请求 提取、拉取和同步 ...
Open a Pull Request in Visual Studio or the browserTo support GitHub and Azure DevOps users who prefer to use the browser view for creating pull requests, we’ve added a secondary link to help maintain your workflow.Event Handler Leaks insightsFinding memory leaks is one of the more ...
at the same time, you are able to request it /open an issue in ’ maikebing/GitLab.VisualStudio: GitLab Extension for Visual Studio ('. Thank you. Yes, I agree 0 No It's this product 1 Show reactions 1Aug 30, 2022 9:49 AM ...
Use Push to push the commits to GitHub, where you can store them as backups or share your code with others.But, as previously mentioned, always pull before you push. As a safe guard, Visual Studio doesn't allow you to push commits if your local branch is behind the remote branch. If...
附上github StyleCop项目声明译文: 注意事项 虽然pull request将继续被接受,但不太可能在这个项目上进行任何重大开发(包括对更新的c#语法的支持)。维护StyleCop使用的定制c#解析器越来越困难,效率也越来越低。最近进行维护工作的主要动机是允许已经在使用StyleCop的开发人员升级到Visual Studio 2015和c# 6。
Janela de chat do GitHub Copilot no Visual Studio 2022 Não fique sozinho Desenvolvedores de todo o mundo usam o GitHub Copilot para codificar mais rápido, se concentrar na lógica de negócios em vez de clichê e fazer o que mais importa: criar um ótimo software. Copilot Individual ...