For information about keyboard accessibility, see How to: Use Keyboard Navigation.You can access a variety of commands in Visual Studio for Mac by using the appropriate keyboard shortcut. This document lists the default shortcuts for the Visual Studio for Mac key binding scheme. For more ...
CommandsKeyboard shortcutsCommand ID Build selection Ctrl+B (Visual Studio 2019) Build.BuildSelection Build solution Ctrl+Shift+B Build.BuildSolution Cancel Ctrl+Break Build.Cancel Compile Ctrl+F7 Build.Compile Run code analysis on solution Alt+F11 Build.RunCodeAnalysisonSolutionClass...
CommandsKeyboard shortcutsCommand ID Build selection Ctrl+B (Visual Studio 2019) Build.BuildSelection Build solution Ctrl+Shift+B Build.BuildSolution Cancel Ctrl+Break Build.Cancel Compile Ctrl+F7 Build.Compile Run code analysis on solution Alt+F11 Build.RunCodeAnalysisonSolution Class...
自动补全:try catch for、foreach、while event、delegate Shift + F3 查找上一个Ctrl + End 跳转文件结尾Ctrl + Shift + F 查找所有 Home 跳转到首单词Shift + Ctrl + ↑↓ 前后定位选中单词 Home + Home 跳转到行首End 跳转行结尾 Visual Studio 2019 Keyboard shortcuts for windows ...
Many keyboard shortcuts are already used in Visual Studio. You should not assign the same shortcut to more than one command because duplicate bindings are hard to detect and may also cause unpredictable results. Therefore, it is a good idea to verify the availability of a shortcut before yo...
Identify and customize keyboard shortcuts - Visual Studio - Microsoft Docs 本文会经常更新,请阅读原文:,以避免陈旧错误知识的误导,同时有更好的阅读体验。 本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议...
以下是VS2019常用默认快捷键pdf文档下载链接: VisualStudio_Mousepad_1.28.19_final_font ( 以下是更详细的快捷键说明链接: 键盘快捷方式 - Visual Studio (Windows)
文章目录 完整列表查找方式 完整列表 查找方式 可以ctrl+f
Visual Studio 2019常用快捷键-中文版.pdf,调试 窗体布局 Visual Studio 2019 F5 启动调试 Ctrl + W + O 输出窗口 Keyboard shortcuts for windows F10 逐过程 Ctrl + W + E 错误窗口 F11 逐语句 Ctrl + W + T Task窗口 编辑 Ctrl + F10 运行到光标 Ctrl + W + X 工具箱窗口
提高使用 Visual Studio 开发效率的键盘快捷键 Visual Studio的功能可谓真是丰富,再配合各种各样神奇强大的插件,Visual Studio 作为太阳系最强大的IDE名副其实。 如果你能充分利用起 Visual Studio 启用这些功能的快捷键,那么效率也会很高。 建议记住 万能重构...