Extension(MOD, sources=['ExtDemo.c',"ExtDemo_Wrapper.c"])]) 2) Visual Studio 2013 工具准备及编译 开始菜单打开 Visual Studio Tools 文件夹, 选择64bit Native Tools,双击打开, 设置编译环境,如下, 关于这两个参数的含义请参考distutils.core 官方 help 文档, set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1set MSSdk=1 切...
vs2013简体中文语言包官方版360云盘链接:http://yunpan.cn/ccxuJpEZk5bs3 访问密码 84cd 提前预装好Utral ISO软件,百度上有的 方法/步骤 1 我的操作系统为win7-64bit。不要问我为什么用360云盘。因为那个ISO文件实在太大了。。。百度云不让用。。。2 下载完成后点击进入下载目录,找到下载好的iso文件 3 ...
October 16, 2013 @Anthony - Yes, Visual Studio 2013 can be used to build application which target XP. Full details at www.microsoft.com/.../compatibility-2013. Anonymous October 16, 2013 There is as always a lot of new features... but did you correct performance? Anonymous October 16, ...
Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)Windows Server 2012 (x64) Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (x64) Visual Studio Test Professional 2013Hardware Requirements 1.6 GHz or faster processor 1 GB (32 Bit) or 2 GB (64 Bit) of RAM (Add 512MB to host if running in a virtual machine) 3 GB of ...
When debugging 64-bit .NET 4.5.1 applications in Visual Studio 2013, you can now "edit-and-continue" just as you do with 32-bit managed applications. In addition, asynchronous debugging is improved across Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++, and JavaScript in Visual Studio 2013. When ...
2013, you can open a project that was created in Visual Studio 2012, change it, and then reopen it in Visual Studio 2013; your changes persist and the project behaves the same as it does in Visual Studio 2012. The same is true for many assets that were created in Visual Studio 2010 ...
Microsoft Visual C++2013 Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 (32位) https://download.microsoft.com/download/F/3/5/F3500770-8A08-488E-94B6-17A1E1DD526F/vcredist_x86.exe Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 (64位) ...
32bit系统的有4GB内存限制,因为地址是32位使得这个地址所能代表的内存空间也就 2^32 byte = 4 GB。 如果你的系统是64bit则没有4GB的限制,Visual Studio虽然只有32bit版的,但是它提供了64bit的平台编译,我们所要做的只是选择程序的编译平台是X64。
windows 10 64bit 版本1803 Visual studio express 2013 for desktop Glut 3.7 beta 二、安装Visual studio Express 2013 (1)下载Visual studio express 2013 Express版本是免费的学习版,功能对于初学者是足够的。使用期为30天,30天后需要使用Microsoft账号登录才能继续使用。
02/04/2013 In this article Installing 64-bit features Deploying a 64-bit application Configuring projects as 64-bit applications Debugging a 64-bit application See Also SeeHow to: Configure Projects to Target Platformsfor information on features in the Visual Studio development environment that help...