Windows 10 包含设置,指示“让 Windows 尝试修复应用,以便它们不再模糊”。 如果选中了“使用不同像素密度优化屏幕呈现”选项,则启用该 Windows 设置的效果可以忽略不计。 (此设置在 Windows 11 中不可用。有关 Windows 11 的详细信息,请参阅Windows 11 概述。) ...
11 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 语句结束 设置 请参阅 使用此对话框可更改代码编辑器的默认行为。 这些设置也适用于其他基于代码编辑器的编辑器,如 HTML 设计器的“源”视图。 若要打开此对话框,请从“工具”菜单中选择“选项”。在“文本编辑器”文件夹中,展开“所有语言”子文件夹,然后选择“常规”。
The Visual C++ Redistributable supports several command-line options. For more information, seeCommand-line options for the Redistributable packages. Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ 12.0) (no longer supported) These links download the latest available en-US Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages for Vis...
I can't find the Blazor Web Assembly option, I only see two options the Blazor Web App and the standalone Web Assembly application but none of them give me the ASP .NET Core Hosted option, why? I do have a question related to this topic because I want to start a project with the ...
This will be most noticeable for deployments to remote targets using Windows authentication, but will impact all other deployments as well. Developers now have the option to specify Control Display Options when using the XAML Designer while building UWP applications targeting the Windows 10 Fall ...
This will be most noticeable for deployments to remote targets using Windows authentication, but will impact all other deployments as well. Developers now have the option to specify Control Display Options when using the XAML Designer while building UWP applications targeting the Windows 10 Fall ...
使用C 或 C++ 进行编程时,请使用以下属性页更改代码编辑器的默认行为。 若要访问此页,请在“选项”对话框的左窗格中,展开“文本编辑器”,再展开“C/C++”,然后单击“格式设置”。 备注 以下说明中的某些 Visual Studio 用户界面元素在计算机上出现的名称或位置可能会不同。 这些元素取决于你所使用的 Visual Stu...
當您將 Docker 支援新增或啟用至 .NET 7 或更新版本專案時,Visual Studio 會顯示 [容器Scaffolding Options] 對話框,這可讓您選擇操作系統 (Linux 或 Windows),也可以選擇容器組建類型,Dockerfile 或.NET SDK。 此對話框不會出現在 .NET Framework 專案或 Azure Functions 專案中。 在17.11 和更新版本中,您也...
This will be most noticeable for deployments to remote targets using Windows authentication, but will impact all other deployments as well. Developers now have the option to specify Control Display Options when using the XAML Designer while building UWP applications targeting the Windows 10 Fall ...
The Visual C++ Redistributable supports several command-line options. For more information, seeCommand-line options for the Redistributable packages. Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ 12.0) (no longer supported) These links download the latest available en-US Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages for Vis...