THE VISUAL FIELD MANUAL-A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO TESTING AND INTERPRETATION.An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00006324-198410000-00010BobierC. W.Optometry & Vision Science
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.DslDefinition.15.0.dllThe character used to denote that a role should be interpreted as a traversal to Links in a DomainPath's concrete syntax C++ 复制 public: System::String ^ LinksInterpretationCharacter; Field Value String Applies to 产品版本 Vi...
2.1.515 Part 1 Section 17.16.10, default (Default Text Box Form Field String) 2.1.516 Part 1 Section 17.16.11, default (Default Drop-Down List Item Index) 2.1.517 Part 1 Section 17.16.12, default (Default Checkbox Form Field State) 2.1.518 Part 1 Section 17.16.17, ffDa...
He has written numerous chapters and articles on topics ranging from the interrelationship between law and culture, law and rhetoric, discourse theory, political legitimacy, and the emerging field of visual legal studies. Recent publications include: “Law’s Life on the Screen,” in Sara Steinert...
to the field of view of the camera. The DD video series was a modified version of the OR videos using the DeepDream38. Immediately after the exposure to videos, participants performed the AUT, Stroop tasks, and the ASC questionnaire (Fig.1b). Those tasks were administered always in the sa...
extending throughout the ventral visual stream and even into prefrontal cortex. In subsequent analyses, we sought to constrain the functional interpretation of these responses. Are cortical regions in infants responding to highly specific visual categories1,2,4, to broader visual or semantic dimensions...
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 1.1.2. Reading and video games The dorsal-sublexical and ventral-lexical streams of the brain are relevant to the field of dyslexia, where subtypes of dyslexia...
Acquisition of two field maps was performed at the beginning of each fMRI session. fMRI task procedure All studies included three runs featuring blocks of upright facing or non-facing dyads (randomized with other type of runs that varied across study). The structure of blocks was identical ...
So, there is a learning curve associated with subjective perimetry that complicates the interpretation in new patients, such that two to three VF tests need to be performed before a reliable result is achieved. Therefore, any objective functional information is useful, particularly among those who...
Interpretation should make sense from the point of view of individual prediction. Globally important features may not be important locally and vice versa. In this case, the aim is to understand model decisions with respect to local context rather than the global behavior of the model. There are...