Describes how Windows desktop applications that have a dependency on the C++ Runtime libraries can't redistribute the version of the libraries that's included with Visual Studio or via the Visual C++ redistributable (VCRedist) packages. Explains how to c
2、在C:\Program Files\或者是其他软件安装目录下搜索这两个文件。3、下载微软官方补丁 2 有些时候,在你安装、运行某个软件,可能会得到这样一个错误提示:Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! Program:c:/windows/explorer.exe This application has requested th...
The Visual C++ Redistributable installs Microsoft C and C++ (MSVC) runtime libraries. Many applications built using Microsoft C and C++ tools require these libraries. If your app uses those libraries, a Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package must be installed on the target system before you ...
Describes how Windows desktop applications that have a dependency on the C++ Runtime libraries can't redistribute the version of the libraries that's included with Visual Studio or via the Visual C++ redistributable (VCRedist) packages. Explains how to c
就说明系统中缺少相应的运行时组件(Runtime)!!!>什么是运行时组件? 使用户能够在未安装 Visual C++ 的计算机上运行使用 Visual C++ 开发的应用程序。 比如Visual C ++ 9.0 开发的程序,必须安装Visual C ++ 9.0运行时程序才能运行!>如何补安装相应的运行时组件呢? msvcp 90 .dll msvcr 90 .dll vcomp 90 ....
如果以上方法均无效,可以访问微软官方网站下载 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86),该软件包适用于安装在未安装 Visual C++ 2005 的计算机上,以运行使用 Visual C++ 开发的应用程序所需的 C++ 运行时组件。此软件包安装 C Runtime (CRT)、Standard C++、ATL、MFC、OpenMP 和 ...
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86),安装在未安装 Visual C++ 2005 的计算机上运行使用 Visual C++ 开发的应用程序所需的 Visual C++ 库的运行时组件,此软件包安装 C Runtime (CRT)、Standard C++、ATL、MFC、OpenMP 和 MSDIA 库的运行时组件。对于支持并行部署模式的库(CRT、SCL、ATL、MFC...
当电脑出现“Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library”错误时,通常表示程序运行时需要的Visual C++库文件存在问题。以下是几种可能的解决方法:1. **更新或重新安装Visual C++ Redistributable**:访问微软官方网站或相关软件更新源,下载并安装最新版本的Visual C++ Redistributable Package。这有助于修复因库...
Visual C++ Runtime Files Subject to the License Terms for the software, you may copy and distribute the following files, unmodified, as a part of the installation package of your program: [VisualStudioFolder]VC\Redist\MSVC\[version]\MergeModules\Microsoft_VC143_CRT_[arch].msm ...
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86),安装在未安装 Visual C++ 2005 的计算机上执行使用 Visual C++ 开发的应用程序所需的 Visual C++ 库的执行时组件,此软件包安装 C Runtime (CRT)、Standard C++、ATL、MFC、OpenMP 和 MSDIA 库的执行时组件。对于支持并行部署模式的库(CRT、SCL、ATL、MFC...