Version: 14.0.29231.0 Date Published: 1/25/2024 File Name: Readme.txt File Size: 273 bytes This is a downloadable file containing the Microsoft Visual C++ UWP Desktop Runtime Package for various architectures. The recommended way to obtain these packages is by creating a reference to it in ...
During Build 2015, we announced the Desktop Bridge (formerly called Project Centennial) to bring your desktop apps to UWP. With the Desktop App Converter, you can package your desktop application as an appx package that can be deployed to a Windows 10 Desktop. See thislinkto learn more about...
C++ IntelliSense now responds to changes in the remote environment for both CMake and MSBuild projects targeting Linux. We have made updates to UWP Desktop Bridge framework packages and added support for ARM64 C++ Native Desktop scenarios. We added support for the range-v3 library with the MSVC...
標識碼: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop 描述: 使用您選擇的工具建置適用於 Windows 的新式C++應用程式,包括 MSVC、Clang、CMake 或 MSBuild。 此工作負載所包含的元件 展開表格 元件識別碼名字版本相依性類型 Microsoft.Component.MSBuild MSBuild 16.11.33214.272 必填 Microsoft.VisualStudio....
MFC Application Visual studio 2015 c++ debug problem warning Debugging: Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'LoggerThread' was corrupted. Decompile VC++ exe file Default value of bool define C++ extern Class With example Defining Global Include Directory? DELAYLOAD in C++/CLI ...
C++ IntelliSense now responds to changes in the remote environment for both CMake and MSBuild projects targeting Linux. We have made updates to UWP Desktop Bridge framework packages and added support for ARM64 C++ Native Desktop scenarios. We added support for the range-v3 library with the MSVC...
標識碼: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedDesktopBuildTools 描述:使用 C#、Visual Basic 和 F# 建置 WPF、Windows Forms 和控制台應用程式的 工具。 此工作負載所包含的元件 展開表格 元件識別碼名字版本相依性類型 Microsoft.Component.MSBuild MSBuild 17.13.35710.127 必填 Microsoft.Net.Component.4.7.2.Ta...
这可修复托管 c + + 调试的源链接。 修复了调试时 AVX/MPX/AVX512 寄存器损坏的问题。 更新了用于 C++ UWP DesktopBridge 应用程序的 Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDestkop 框架包,添加了对 ARM64 的支持。 更正了 Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.default.props 中的 VCToolsRedistVersion 版本错误。 更正了 VC Redist...
You will find a new project type in the New Project Dialog that you can add to your existing desktop app solution, the output of which was previously run through the converter. There is a new Package Layout property in the Desktop to UWP Packaging project that let you configure where t...
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019运行库 上传者:qq_29545447时间:2021-04-22 Microsoft.VCLibs支持WIN11安卓子系统.zip 解决WIN11安卓子系统,US”发布的框架“Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop”(具有中性或 x64 处理器体系结构,最低版本为 14.0.30035"错误 ...